The EU funded Prague-Dresden motorway cutting through the Krušné Hory 
mountains in the Czech Republic
The EU funded Prague-Dresden motorway cutting through the Krušné Hory mountains in the Czech Republic

Major projects in the EU funding pipeline in Central and Eastern Europe for 2007-2013

EU member states and the European Commission are currently making preliminary decisions about large projects to be financed with EU funds for the period 2007-2013.

CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe compiled a list of major projects planned in the ten new EU member states of central and eastern Europe. The information is taken from the so-called Operational Programmes for 2007-2013 prepared by each country.

Major projects are defined as those with a total cost exceeding EUR 25 million in the environmental sector and EUR 50 million in transport and other sectors. While smaller projects are directly approved at the national or regional level, each major project needs approval from the European Commission in order to receive EU funding.

Given the high costs and impacts of such projects, these projects should be subject to public discussion. Although these are the largest investments of the EU budget, the European Commission does not publish any timely information about the projects it is financing.

That’s why CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe compiled the list and made it publicly available.
