Just transition project implementation checklist
Checklist | 29 April 2022
The paper outlines what comes next after the preparation of the Territorial Just Transition Plans and their final approval by the European Commission. It takes a look not only at the actual planning and spending of the funds provided in accordance with the approved Plans, but also at the challenges faced by the regions and the level to which they are prepared to address them. The checklist provides an easy-to-use overview of what each region should have in place in order to make sure it reaches its professed goals along with a discussion of each issue, relevant examples and references to more detailed reports, documents or regulations concerning particular points.
For the Just Transition process to be successful, we need to ensure that three issues are tackled:
1) achieving climate neutrality and introducing environmentally-friendly solutions;
2) ensuring social and economic redevelopment;
3) developing and maintaining high public participation.
Theme: Just transition
Project: Just transition
Tags: RegENERateLife | just transition
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