Energy Transformation Campaigner
Prior to joining Bankwatch, I was working at the Center for environmental research and information ‘Eko-svest’ as a project coordinator for decarbonization and just transition. Also, I have extensive experience in working with the Erasmus+ Programme as part of different CSOs, responsible for writing and coordinating international youth projects and events related to various social topics. In addition, I hold a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management from the European University in Skopje.
More from Kristina Dimitrova
Bitola’s heating future: a pipeline to nowhere or solar solutions?
December 22, 2023 | Read more
Bitola in North Macedonia is currently pursuing a decades-old district heating plan connected to the nearby coal power plant – which will, however, close in a few years. But better alternatives exist, as discussed at a recent event in the city, and young people, especially those involved in information sciences and technology, should play a key role in moving them forward.
Back in 2018, following a public call by the Centar municipality in Skopje, 26 buildings were approved to receive energy-efficient façades. Yet only one building has been retrofitted in five years, leaving the residents in the other 25 buildings back at square one, disheartened by the whole process and forced to look for other alternatives to insulate their old buildings.
The government in North Macedonia wants to link the 40 year old REK Bitola power plant to the regional heating system. But cementing the dependence on fossil fuels would be reckless. Instead, a new study finds that fitting houses in Bitola with air conditioning and solar panels could keep people warm, cut air pollution and even shield against increasingly volatile energy prices. Such households forming energy communities, the study shows, could not only lower initial investments but even generate them some income.