New European Ukraine Facility has power to derail or accelerate country’s reform agenda
EurActiv | September 18, 2023Source: New European Ukraine Facility has power to derail or accelerate country’s reform agenda
EU lawmakers pass bill hiking renewable energy targets
EurActiv | September 13, 2023Source: EU lawmakers pass bill hiking renewable energy targets
EU states must bridge ‘planning gap’ in order to hit climate targets, report warns
The Guardian | September 13, 2023Clean Air Task Force calls for overhaul of action plans with many countries, including Germany and France, missing drafts deadline …
CSOs call on public development banks to assess, prevent and remedy harmful impacts of their investment decisions on communities & environment
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | September 11, 2023Civil society calls on public development banks to overhaul their approach to development, 4 September 2023 …
La Bosnie, un pays où respirer peut tuer
La Libre Belgique | September 9, 2023Chaque année, c’est la même rengaine : dès que les températures baissent, les rues de Tuzla se couvrent d’un épais brouillard. Ce “smog”, …
WHO BENEFITS: Neretva or Money, Years of Uncertainty
INFORMACIJA JE | September 7, 2023The Ulog Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Neretva River, as seen on the sign at the construction site entrance, was supposed to be …
Dis/Connectivity in the South Caucasus
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik | August 29, 2023Imaginaries, the Effects of Power, Ambivalences …
ONG-ul finanțat de Germania atacă proiectele de termoficare de înaltă eficiență din România | August 27, 2023Bankwatch , ONG-ul finanțat de Ministerul Mediului din Germania , a atacat cele patru proiecte de termoficare in cogenerare ale Romaniei, …
Wkręceni w rurę: jak rząd chce wydać pożyczony miliard euro na gaz
Śląska Opinia | August 21, 2023W ramach planu, który miał pomóc Europie odciąć się od rosyjskich paliw kopalnych, polski rząd chce pożyczyć i wydać 1,15 miliarda euro na …
For seventh time representatives of the 47th countries that have
Новини 24/7 | August 17, 2023The Bern Convention Has Rejected the Greens’ Request for Stopping Struma Highway Project For seventh time representatives of the 47th …