Let the sunshine in, say civil society groups
Balkan Green News | July 10, 2019Eight civil society organisations last week submitted proposals for a revamp of Serbia’s renewables support scheme to the Ministry of Energy and Mining. Source: Let the sunshine in, say civil society groups
Balkan Activists Plan Week of Protests Against Hydro-Power | Balkan Insight
Balkan Insight | July 4, 2019Mladen Lakic Source: Balkan Activists Plan Week of Protests Against Hydro-Power | Balkan Insight
bne IntelliNews – TANAP pipeline comes online, a major piece in Europe’s energy puzzle
Intellinews | July 3, 2019Completion of the TANAP pipeline brings completion of the Southern Gas Corridor that will diversify Europe’s gas supplies away from Russia closer to reality — at a time when Russia is building its own new pipeline infrastructure. Source: bne IntelliNew
Complaint submitted against North Macedonia over small hydropower
Balkan Green News | July 3, 2019North Macedonia’s incentives system subjects solar photovoltaic (PV) producers and most wind producers, but not small hydropower plants, to auctions. Source: Complaint submitted against North Macedonia over small hydropower
EIB blames Ombudsman for not helping redact VW report
EU Observer | July 2, 2019Volkswagen Group duped the European Investment Bank, from which it borrowed €400m, by not disclosing it was cheating on emissions tests. Requests by EUobserver to see the anti-fraud report however have been consistently rejected. Source: EIB blames Omb
Pollution caused 136 Premature Deaths in adults in Tuzla in 2018 – Sarajevo Times
Sarajevo Times | June 27, 2019CEE Bankwatch Network and the Center for Ecology and Energy have therefore undertaken independent monitoring in Tuzla of coarse dust particles known as PM10. “Together with the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), we have also calculated the health
Загађени ваздух узрок 136 смртних случајева у Тузли
Glas Srpske | June 26, 2019Праг – Загађење ваздуха прашином у Тузли током прошле године било је дупло веће од дозвољеног и изазвало је више од стотину пријевремених смртних случајева, наведено је у најновијем извјештају под називом “Подизање смога”.
Report warns of major air pollution in Bosnian city of Tuzla – The Washington Post
Washington Post | June 25, 2019Environmental groups have called for urgent measures to combat air pollution in the central Bosnian city of Tuzla, saying dust concentration far exceeds legal limits and causes premature deaths Source: Report warns of major air pollution in Bosnian cit
Report warns of major air pollution in Bosnian city of Tuzla
AP news | June 25, 2019SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Environmental groups called on Tuesday for urgent measures to combat air pollution in the central Bosnian city of Tuzla, saying dust concentration far exceeds legal limits and causes premature deaths. Source: Report
Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном – новости 2000.ua
2000 | June 24, 2019Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном Source: Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном – новости 2000.ua