Energetska Zajednica Prijeti FBiH Sankcijama Zbog TE Tuzla 7
Hayat,ba | September 27, 2018Energetska zajednica sa sjedištem u Beču pozvala je Parlament Federacije BiH da ne odobri garanciju za kreditno zaduženje za izgradnju Bloka 7 Termoelektrane Tuzla. Source: ENERGETSKA ZAJEDNICA PRIJETI FBIH SANKCIJAMA ZBOG TE TUZLA 7
Energetska zajednica upozorila delegate u FBiH: Ne odobravajte garanciju za Blok 7 TE Tuzla
Klix.ba | September 27, 2018Energetska zajednica sa sjedištem u Beču pozvala je Parlament Federacije BiH da ne odobri garanciju za kreditno zaduženje za izgradnju Bloka 7 Termoelektrane Tuzla, saznaje Klix.ba. Source: Energetska zajednica upozorila delegate u FBiH: Ne odobravajte
EU energy watchdog urges Bosnian lawmakers not to back Chinese energy loan
Reuters | September 27, 2018SARAJEVO, Sept 27 (Reuters) – The EU energy watchdog urged a Bosnian regional parliament on Thursday not to approve a government guarantee for a China Exim Bank loan that is designed to help power utility EPBiH add a new unit at its Tuzla coal-fired po
Albanie «Avec cette hydrocentrale, je perdrais tout»
Libération | September 27, 2018Le petit Etat des Balkans est l’un des rares pays européens à conserver ses cours d’eau intacts, telle la rivière Vjosa. Une manne convoitée par les compagnies d’hydroélectricité qui veulent y implanter des barrages, mais entre les agriculteurs refusan
SKANDALOZNO KORIŠTENJE JAVNIH SREDSTAVA: Mora se ispitati državna garancija za gradnju Bloka 7 TE Tuzla
BUKA Magazin | September 26, 2018Planovi po kojima bi se javna sredstva koristila kao garancija za kineski kredit koji bi se uložio u planirani Blok 7 Termoelektrane Tuzla bi mogli biti u sukobu sa zakonom i trebali bi biti istraženi od strane Sekretarijata Energetske zajednice, navod
Calls for Investigation of Use of Public Money to Support Tuzla 7 TPP
Energetika.net | September 26, 2018Plans to use public money to guarantee a Chinese loan for the planned 450 MW Tuzla 7 coal-fired power plant could be illegal and need to be investigated by the Energy Community Secretariat, according to a formal complaint submitted to the regional body
In the Balkans, clean energy needn’t have a dark side – Energy Transition
| September 25, 2018The global transition to clean energy is upending markets, social structures, laws, and much more that falls outside of the traditional energy sector. Since we’re all relatively new at it, it’s cri… Source: In the Balkans, clean energy needn’t have a d
Foto La battaglia per salvare i Balcani dalle dighe
National Geographic Italia | September 14, 2018Nei Balcani gli ultimi fiumi selvaggi d’Europa sono a rischio a causa dell’industria idroelettrica. Conseguenze ambientali importanti, ritorni economici dubbi e non a vantaggio delle comunità locali hanno dato vita a una campagna di denuncia internazio
EIB issues first Sustainability Awareness Bond as Bankwatch urges it to shift away from fossil fuels
Balkan Green Energy News | September 7, 2018Just as the European Investment Bank (EIB), heavily present in South-East Europe (SEE), issued its first, EUR 500 million Sustainability Awareness Bond, CEE Bankwatch Network, one of the largest networks of environmental civil society organizations (CS
Bankwatch: EIB Invested EUR 11.8bn in Fossil Fuels in the Years 2013-2
Energetika.Net | September 7, 2018A newly released Bankwatch analysis shows that in the years 2013-2017 the European Investment Bank (EIB) invested EUR 18.4 billion in renewable energy projects in Europe and beyond. However, at the same time, it handed out EUR 11.8 billion in EU public