Zaključak izvještaja CEE Bankwatch mreže: Nerealna obećanja o novim radnim mjestima u termoelektranama
Tuzlarije | June 29, 2018Nerealna obećanja o zapošljavanju daju lažnu nadu stanovnicima rudarskih oblasti u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i bespotrebno odlažu neminovnu tranziciju energetskog sektora ka obnovljivim izvorima energije. Rad većine ovih termoelektrana i rudnika je već sada
Promises for coal jobs in southeastern Europe greatly exaggerated – study
Balkan Green Energy News | June 29, 2018Proponents of coal have overall claimed that 10,030 jobs would be maintained and 17,600 new jobs created, while according to new analysis a reduction of workplaces by around 5,170 is more likely, CEE Bankwatch Network said in a press release. Source: P
Analiză: Locurile de muncă din industria cărbunelui, între promisiuni şi realitate
Adevarul | June 28, 2018Promotorii energiei pe bază de cărbune pretind că aproape 30.000 de locuri de muncă vor fi create sau păstrate în Europa de sud-est dacă termocentralele planificate vor fi construite, însă o analiză Bankwatch lansată astăzi arată că peste 5.000 de locu
CEE Bankwatch: Nerealna obećanja o novim radnim mjestima u termoelektranama
H-Alter | June 28, 2018“Nerealna obećanja o zapošljavanju daju lažnu nadu stanovnicima rudarskih sredina u Jugoistočnoj Europi i bespotrebno odlažu neminovnu tranziciju energetskog sektora ka obnovljivim izvorima energije. Rad većine ovih termoelektrana i rudnika je već sada
Cacealmaua locurilor de muncă din minerit
Pandurul | June 28, 2018Una dintre cele mai active organizaţii de mediu din Europa de Est, implicit din România, a dat joi publicităţii un raport menit să prezinte adevărul despre „Cacealmaua locurilor de muncă din industria cărbunelui”. Gorjul nu lipseşte Source: Cacealmaua
Bosnian activists hail dam victory
Energy Reporters | June 28, 2018Activists have claimed a small victory in their attempts to prevent the construction of around 3,000 dams across the Balkans, which will block fish migration routes and destroy some of Europe’s last free-flowing rivers. Villagers in Kruščica about 70k
Petition handed to EBRD calling on IFIs to drop “destructive hydropower in the Balkans”
Balkan Green Energy News | June 26, 2018Representatives from the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign to save the continent’s last undammed rivers have handed in a petition endorsed globally by more than 120,000 people, calling on international development banks to rein in financial suppor
A new campaign aims to save the last wild rivers of Europe
Lonely Planet | June 26, 2018Protecting the last “wild rivers” of Europe is the aim of a new campaign from outdoor clothing company Patagonia, along with NGOs and locals. Source: A new campaign aims to save the last wild rivers of Europe
Blue Heart und die tapferen Frauen von Kruščica
HuffPost Deutschland | June 25, 2018“Es ist eine Verschwendung von Geld und eine moralische Farce, dass einige der größten Finanzinstitutionen der Welt diese veraltete und ausbeuterische Technologie unterstützen.” Source: Blue Heart und die tapferen Frauen von Kruščica
120,000 sign petition to save one of Europe’s last unspoiled corners
The Telegraph | June 22, 2018More than 120,000 people have signed a petition calling for one of the last true wildernesses in Europe to be protected from hydroelectric dams. Home to the only remaining undammed rivers on the Continent, the so-called Blue Heart of Europe is an area