Pipelinegas so schädlich wie Kohle
Klimaretter | February 3, 2018Erdgas gilt als relativ klimafreundlich und Brücke ins postfossile Zeitalter. Doch Förderung und Transport könnten klimaschädlicher sein als die Kohleverbrennung Source: Pipelinegas so schädlich wie Kohle
Energiegewinnung in Tschernobyl: Strahlender Solarpark
taz | January 28, 2018Neben der AKW-Ruine in Tschernobyl entsteht mit deutscher Hilfe ein erster Solarpark. Weitere sollen folgen. Das gefällt nicht allen. Source: Energiegewinnung in Tschernobyl: Strahlender Solarpark
Bankwatch warnt vor Umweltschäden durch Projekte der Kleinwasserkraft im Westbalkan
EUWID Wasser und Abwasser | January 11, 2018Acht Wasserkraftprojekte im Westbalkan, die mit europäischen Mitteln finanziert werden, schädigen die biologische Vielfalt. Das hat die NGO CEE Bankwatch Network festgestellt. Source: Bankwatch warnt vor Umweltschäden durch Projekte der Kleinwasserkraf
Smog Chokes the Balkans
Transitions Online | January 9, 2018As heating is turned up to beat the mid-winter cold, the Balkan peninsula is grappling with a well-known foe: suffocating levels of air pollution. Source: Smog Chokes the Balkans
Bankwatch: Montenegro Should Drop Construction of Pljevlja 2 TPP
Energetika.net | January 8, 2018Now that the Montenegrin government and the power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) have officially announced the termination of the contract with the Czech company Škoda Praha for construction of the second unit of the Pljevlja thermal power pl
European-backed small HPPs damaging environment in Balkans
SEE News | December 20, 2017The CEE Bankwatch Network, a non-governmental organisation based in the Czech Republic, said on Wednesday that eight hydropower plant (HPP) projects in Albania, Croatia and Macedonia financed with European public money have damaged biodiversity and sho
Azerbaijan: EBRD Gives Go Ahead for Azeri Pipeline Funding Despite “Laundromat” Allegations
Eurasianet | October 18, 2017The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s board on October 18 approved $500 million in funding for the Azerbaijan-led TANAP pipeline, which will facilitate the delivery of Caspian Basin natural gas to Western Europe.
Azerbaijani gas pipeline gets $500m in EU public funds
Climate Home News | October 18, 2017The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has approved a half billion dollar loan to a pipeline that will link Caspian sea gas fields with southern Italy. The southern gas corridor (SGC) is Europe’s biggest fossil fuel project, estimated to cost $40 billion.
EBRD to lend $500m for Azerbaijan gas pipeline
Financial Times | October 18, 2017The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has approved crucial $500mfinancing for a pipeline to bring Azeri gas from the Caspian Sea to the EU, despite questions aboutAzerbaijan’s record on corruption and democracy. The bank’s board approved
Seis firmas acaparan las obras costeadas con créditos chinos
El Universo | October 17, 2017Era un día especial. El entonces presidente Rafael Correa celebraba el aniversario 125 de la Revolución Liberal en una sabatina. Anunció que China había dado un crédito de $ 1.700 millones para construir la hidroeléctrica Coca Codo Sinclair, la mayor inversión en la historia del país.