New thermal power plants in the Balkans do not meet EU standards
IBNA | June 15, 2017The majority of Western Balkan countries rely on thermal power plants and many of the new plants which are being built do not comply with the newly approved EU standards for environment protection. Source: New thermal power plants in the Balkans do not
CEE Bankwatch Network: Balkan Planned Coal Power to Breach EU Standard | June 15, 2017Almost none of the new coal power plants planned in the Western Balkans will meet the new, stricter EU pollution standards, according to a new analysis by the CEE Bankwatch Network, released this week. Source: CEE Bankwatch Network: Balkan Planned Coal
Planned coal-fired power plants in W. Balkans to breach new EU pollution standards – Bankwatch
See News | June 15, 2017Almost none of the planned coal-fired power plants in the Western Balkans will meet new, stricter EU pollution standards, the Czech Republic-based non-governmental organisation CEE Bankwatch Network has said. Source: Planned coal-fired power plants in
Nove TE teško do EU standarda
Vijesti | June 14, 2017Bankwatchova analiza obuhvata osam termoelektrana planiranih u Bosni i Hercegovini, Kosovu, Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji, kao i postrojenje Stanari u BiH, koje je počelo da radi u septembru prošle godine Source: Nove TE teško do EU standarda – Vijes
New Balkan Coal Plants ‘Will Pollute Environment’
Balkan Insight | June 14, 2017Most Western Balkans countries rely heavily for power on coal plants, and most of the new ones being built will not meet European environmental standards, warned a report from a watchdog group. Source: New Balkan Coal Plants ‘Will Pollute Environment’
Planirane elektrane na ugalj na Balkanu krše nove standarde EU
EurActiv Srbija | June 14, 2017Gotovo nijedna nova elektrana na ugalj planirana na Zapadnom Balkanu neće ispunjavati nove, strože standarde EU o zagađenju, upozorava se u novoj analizi oranizacije CEE Benkvoč netvork objavljenoj 14. juna. Kompanije iz regiona koje ne poštuju ni evro
China is getting serious about fighting climate change at home. Abroad, its investments tell a different story
LA Times | June 1, 2017China remains the world’s largest exporter of coal-related financing and equipment Source: China is getting serious about fighting climate change at home. Abroad, its investments tell a different story
Ukraine clings to nuclear power despite Chernobyl trauma
Yahoo! News | April 27, 2017Kiev (AFP) – Ukraine is still suffering from the trauma of the world’s worst civil nuclear accident at Chernobyl but has nonetheless turned the hazardous fuel into the backbone of its energy portfolio. Source: Ukraine clings to nuclear power despite Ch
REFILE-Polish coal-burning companies find ways to win big bank backing
Reuters | April 26, 2017WARSAW/LONDON, April 26 (Reuters) – Many Western banks and finance institutions have pledged to divest from coal, but this has not stopped at least one Polish utility that is expanding its use of the fossil fuel from securing funding through banks and
Následky jadrovej havárie v Černobyle sa stále nepodarilo odstrániť
Aktuality | April 26, 2017Černobyľská havária sa stala 26. apríla 1986 v atómovej elektrárni na Ukrajine (vtedy časť Sovietskeho zväzu). Ide o najhoršiu jadrovú haváriu v histórii jadrovej energetiky. Source: Následky jadrovej havárie v Černobyle sa stále nepodarilo odstrániť