Ukraine setzt stärker auf Atomkraft
Neues-Deutschland | October 12, 2016Erneut hat die ukrainische Atomregulierungsbehörde die Laufzeit eines ostukrainischen Atomreaktors, 250 Kilometer von der Front im Donbass entfernt, verlängert. Vergangene Woche genehmigte die Behörde zehn Jahre mehr für den 30 Jahre alten Reaktor 2 de
Ekolodzy: możemy nie wykorzystać potencjału Planu Junckera
Onet Biznes | October 11, 2016Polska w ramach planu Junckera powinna starać się o finansowanie projektów innowacyjnych i ekologicznych – przekonuje Polska Zielona Sieć i CEE Bankwatch. Dzisiaj resort rozwoju poinformował, że EBI zatwierdził już 9 polskich inwestycji o wartości 7,1
NGOs criticise the Juncker Plan’s green credentials
EURACTIV | September 30, 201615% of Juncker Plan funding supports fossil fuel projects, according to a report by group of NGOs, which raises serious questions about the investment plan’s consistency with the EU’s climate objectives. EURACTIV France reports. Source: NGOs criticise
Coal-fired power plants as export hits
NZZ | September 29, 2016China treibt den Ausbau der Infrastruktur entlang seiner Handelswege voran. Dabei setzt Peking auf Technologien, deren Stellenwert im eigenen Land sinken soll: Dreckschleudern wie Kohlekraftwerke. Source: Coal-fired power plants as export hits | NZZ
China subventioniert Kohle im Ausland
Klimaretter | September 28, 2016China gibt sich neuerdings als Energiewende-Pionier. Doch die Volksrepublik exportiert ihre Kohleindustrie zunehmend vor allem in Entwicklungsländer. Source: China subventioniert Kohle im Ausland –
Polish CHP Scheme Approved
Natural Gas World | September 28, 2016The European Commission has approved a Polish state subsidy scheme that supports high-efficiency CHP plants, especially fuelled by gas or CBM. Source: Polish CHP Scheme Approved
China stokes global coal growth
China Dialogue | September 23, 2016Chinese companies and banks are continuing to drive global coal expansion, as state owned companies, backed by state loans, build coal-fired power plants across the world. This is despite commitments from China’s top leaders to deliver clean energy and
China is pushing for the Balkans, Bosnia launches a Chinese coal-fired power plant
Oenergetice | September 22, 2016The first fully private power plant in the Western Balkans has launched commercial supplies into the grid. The 300 MW coal-fired power plant, funded by China’s Development Bank, was put into operation on Tuesday. China thus strengthens its economic inf
Outrage as British Diplomats Endorse New Coal Plant Abroad, Despite Coal Phase-Out Commitment at Home
DeSmog UK | September 21, 2016A British diplomat has come under fire for celebrating Europe’s newest coal plant, in spite of UK government efforts to phase-out coal on home turf. Source: Outrage as British Diplomats Endorse New Coal Plant Abroad, Despite Coal Phase-Out Commitment a
TE Stanari – the last TE on coal?
Energetika-Net | September 21, 2016Regionalna politika prema ugljenu opire se raciju i ekonomici – BiH planira gradnju najmanje četiri elektrane, a možda i njih sedam, Crna Gora gura neisplativ projekt TE Pljevlja 2, a Kosovo valjda planira svoje stanovništvo opljačkati zlosretnom TE Ko