Ucraina – Pericolul nuclear ascuns in vazul tuturor
HotNews.ro | July 22, 2015Atentia intregii regiuni, daca nu a intregii lumi, este concentrata pe evenimentele din estul Ucrainei. Pe buna dreptate, pentru ca un razboi in Europa nu mai putea fi imaginat de multi dintre noi. In tot acest timp insa, in Ucraina se intampla si alte lucruri, unele cu potential impact direct asupra Romaniei intr-un caz tragic. E vorba despre starea ingrijoratoare a reactoarelor nucleare ale acestei tari si prelungirea duratei lor de viata cu incalcarea conventiilor internationale la care Kievul a aderat. De la Bucuresti, liniste totala. Autoritatile romane nu par ingrijorate.
European Bank Says Mining Projects Don’t Damage Glaciers
Glacier Hub | July 8, 2015For years, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been involved in the Kumtor mining project, which some experts say is contaminating ground and surface waters. Kyrgyz local communities have been complaining that the gold mine is causing negative environmental and social impacts on the nearby villages. Additionally, international NGOs and Kyrgyz environmentalists believe that the Canadian-operated Centerra Gold mine is triggering rapid glacier melt due to company’s mining practices. The EBRD has denied these claims.
The Balkans Are Giving Climate Change the Finger
Ozy | July 7, 2015After just five hours visiting the tiny Serbian village of Vreoci, just outside the country’s capital, environmental activist Dragana Mileusnic developed a terrible cough. Vreoci is pincered between two rapidly expanding arms of the Kolubara coal mine, one of the largest in Europe, which churns out 22 million tons of coal per year — along with what Mileusnic calls “incredible” air pollution. Now the mine owner is resettling the entire village because coal dust, smog and respiratory disease have made life there unbearable.
Āris Ādlers, attīstības projektu eksperts Ukrainā, Gruzijā un Moldovā
Latvijas Televīzija | June 17, 2015TV story on the May 2015 agribusiness fact-finding mission to Ukraine (in Latvian).
Ugalj bi mogao skupo koštati Balkan
B92 | June 8, 2015Investicije u rudnike uglja i termoelektrane mogle bi skupo koštati države zapadnog Balkana i Ukrajinu, ako i dalje budu dodeljivane subvencije za te projekte. To je pokazala studija koju je danas objavila mreža CEE Bankwatch Network. Preferencijalni krediti i garancije za te projekte striktno su definisana pravilima iz Sporazuma o Energetskoj zajednici, koji je stupio na snagu 2006. a države potpisnice i dalje planiraju nove termoelektrane na ugalj i rudnike bez obraćanja pažnje na rizike te državne pomoći, navodi se u saopštenju Centra za ekologiju i održivi razvoj (CEKOR).
Balkan i EU, trgovina strujom: EU podrzava ambicije zemalja regiona za izvoz struje u EU
ESIASEE | June 5, 2015Studija opravdanosti, sa Procenom uticaja na društvo i životnu sredinu ESIA, za 400 kV interkonekciju između Bajine Bašte u Srbiji, Pljevalja u Crnoj Gori i Višegrada u Bosni i Hercegovini, pokazala je da će projekat doneti ekonomske koristi zemljama uključenim u projekat i da je ekonomski izvodljiv za operatore prenosnih sistema. Implementacija projekta verovatno će generisati i ekonomske koristi za tržišta električne energije u regionu jugoistočne Evrope.
Bosnien/Kroatien/Serbien: Wer ist schuld an der Flutkatastrophe vor einem Jahr?
ARD | June 2, 2015Es war die schlimmste Flut in der Region seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen. Hunderttausende in Bosnien, Kroatien und Serbien mussten im Mai 2014 vor dem Wasser fliehen. Für 82 Menschen kam jede Hilfe zu spät. Ein Jahr danach ist ARD Reporter Darko Jakovljevic nach Rajevo Selo gefahren, ein Ort in Kroatien, der von den Wassermassen der Save komplett überflutet war. Noch heute ist an Alltag in Rajevo Selo kaum zu denken. Die Hochwasseropfer sind misstrauisch, glauben nicht, dass alles Menschenmögliche für ihre Sicherheit getan wurde.
Ukrajina a jadrove reaktory
TA3 | May 22, 2015Interview with Dana Marekova (in Slovak). Starting at 21:00
Balkan coal rush risks lasting damage, campaigners warn
EurActiv | May 19, 2015Balkan countries and Ukraine are making “substantial investments” in polluting coal power stations to sell cheap electricity to the European Union, as the bloc searches for new suppliers to reduce its dependence on Russian gas. EU officials appear reluctant to use energy negotiations next month, or trade law, to force higher air pollution and environmental standards, despite the risks the rush poses to EU climate change and enlargement policies, and to finances and public health in the Balkans.
Georgia further develops hydro-power despite risks
Al Jazeera English | May 15, 2015The government of Georgia has big ambitions to become a regional energy player through hydro-power. But construction in areas prone to landslides has critics worried. Al Jazeera’s Robin Forestier-Walker reports.