Report: Western Balkan coal plants pollute twice as much as those in the EU
EU Reporter | July 14, 2021A report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) and Bankwatch set to be released on 12 July shows how 18 coal-fired …
U Ugljeviku poljsko-kineski investitor planira drugu termoelektranu
FACE ba | July 13, 2021Ugljevik bi uskoro mogao dobiti još jednu termoelektranu suprotno sugestijama koje je Energetska zajednica uputila BiH.nBila bi to druga …
Coal power stations in Western Balkans emit twice as much SO2 as EU plants
Gazeta Tema - English | July 13, 2021For example, Serbia’s Nikola Tesla A thermal power plant exceeded the total SO2 emissions of the highest-emitting EU country, Poland, a …
U Ugljeviku poljsko-kineski investitor planira drugu termoelektranu –
Tacno | July 13, 2021Foto: Ruski milijarder Rashid Serdarov, vlasnik kompanije Comsar Energy Republika Srpska (RS), potpisao je ugovor sa državnom …
Видеоинструкция как организации гражданского общества и активисты могут защитить окружающую среду и права человека, которые оказываются под угрозой в результате деятельности банков развития
Ekois | July 10, 2021Волонтёры сети «Bankwatch»* подготовили видеоинструкцию на русском языке, чтобы рассказать, как организации гражданского общества и …
The Life and Suspicious Death of Cachou the Bear
Bloomberg | July 8, 2021Conservationists saw the 6-year-old brown bear as a symbol of hope. Villagers saw him as a menace. Then he turned up dead.
Va pica Guvernul Cîțu testul ‘Roșia Montană’? Scrisoare deschisă semnată de 74 de organizații | July 5, 202174 de organizații active în domeniile protejării patrimoniului cultural, mediu, dezvoltare durabilă, tineret, social și anticorupție …
ONG-urile cer Guvernului să nu întreprindă niciun fel de procedură administrativă de blocare a candidaturii Roşiei Montane la UNESCO
Agerpres (RO) | July 5, 2021Un număr de 74 de organizaţii active în domeniile protejării patrimoniului cultural, mediu, dezvoltare durabilă, tineret, social şi …
Romania: PNRR’s finances for green investments low
Serbia Energy | July 2, 2021Bankwatch Romania and Declic performed an analysis which shows that only a quarter of the projects in the energy chapter that can be …
Romania: Coal phase-out plan by 2032 not good enough
Serbia Energy | July 1, 2021According to Bankwatch Romania, the country’s planned coal phase-out by 2032 is not enough for Romania to be able to reach its climate …