Brussels bares teeth with launch of new biodiversity plan | May 20, 2020The European Commission is getting tough on biodiversity with a new set of “nature restoration targets” announced for publication next year, which the EU executive says will be strictly enforced. Source : Brussels bares teeth with launch of new biodiversity plan
Novi zakoni o energetici : Zaustaviti štetočine
Monitor | May 17, 2020Više nacionalnih organizacija civilnog društva, podržanih od Svjetske organizacije za zaštitu prirode (WWF), već dugo pozivaju Vladu da ukine podsticaje za proizvodnju energije u mHE. Novi zakon o energetici prilika je za to
Balkans coal future in doubt as North Macedonia mulls 2025 phase-out
ENDS Europe | May 15, 2020Anti-coal campaigners have praised the North Macedonian government after it adopted a national energy strategy that considers the prospect of retiring its coal power capacity in the next five years. Source : Balkans coal future in doubt as North Macedo
Romanian coal mining supported by ‘illegal state aid’
ENDS Europe | May 15, 2020Environmental groups filed a state aid complaint with the European Commission last week claiming that the Romanian government breached EU laws by financially supporting the expansion of coal mines owned by a state-owned power company. Source : Romanian
World set to miss critical biodiversity 2020 targets
ENDS Europe | May 15, 2020International targets to tackle nature loss under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity are likely to be missed because “environmental protection has been incomplete, restoration has been smale-scale, and the implementation and enforcement of legis
Estonian government shale oil goals contradict EU agreements | May 12, 202024 European civil society organizations have sent an inquiry to the European Commission pointing out that the Estonian government’s plan to expand its shale oil industry contradicts international climate and environmental agreements the government has signed with the European Union.
Eesti Energia uus õlitehas sattus Euroopa roheliste hambusse
Postimees Majandus | May 12, 2020Enam kui 20 Euroopa keskkonnaühendust saatsid Euroopa Komisjoni presidendile Ursula von der Leyenile kaebekirja, milles leidsid, et Eesti Energia uus õlitehas on vastuolus Euroopa Liidu kliimaplaanidega.
The Valbona River in Peril
Earth Island Journal | May 7, 2020The Albanian government won’t save an ecologically and culturally significant river from hydropower, advocates say. But maybe its people will. Source: The Valbona River in Peril
La “cortina di carbone” è la nuova cortina di ferro
GlobalVoices | May 5, 2020Mentre i Paesi dell’Europa occidentale procedono verso la riduzione dell’uso del carbone, i paesi dell’ex Unione Sovietica si muovono nella direzione opposta. Source: La “cortina di carbone” è la nuova cortina di ferro
New Gas Projects in the Western Balkans – A Move in The wrong Direction
Montel | May 5, 2020Additional investment in gas infrastructure, even when it is only for diversification of supply sources, is more likely to serve as a direction from investments in renewable energy, energy savings and solutions such as heat pumps rather than supporting