MINI HIDROELEKTRANE: Mala korist za veliko uništavanje prirode
Lupiga | November 19, 2019Imperativ na Balkanu posljednjih desetak godina postale su investicije u proizvodnju električne energije. Financijskom podrškom iz Europe, Svjetske banke i Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj na području između Slovenije i Turske izgradit će se gotovo 3.000 malih hidroelektrana, čija snaga varira između pet kilovata i deset megavata.
EU fossil fuel investment ban to hit energy industry
The Telegraph | November 18, 2019The European Investment Bank’s (EIB) recent decision to phase out funding for fossil fuel projects could have far-reaching implications for energy companies and countries across the continent, a number of experts have warned.
Red het wilde water
Down to Earth Magazine | November 18, 2019De Europese Unie eist van haar aspirant-leden dat zij het gebruik van duurzame energie opschroeven. Reden voor verschillende Balkanstaten om grootscheeps dammen aan te leggen. Corruptiegevoelig, en niet goed voor het milieu. Het protest zwelt aan. Red het wilde water.
The European Investment Bank Has Quit Fossil Fuels – But Borrowers Still Have Their Pick Of Lenders
Forbes | November 18, 2019Environmentalists applauded the European Investment Bank’s decision last week to phase out fossil fuel lending by the end of 2021. But to the average oil and gas company angling for a loan, the decision may not make much of a difference. In the fossil fuel financing game, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is a bit player.
RAPORT: EBI porzuca paliwa kopalne. Co to oznacza dla Polski?
Biznes Alert | November 16, 2019Europa zaostrza kurs swojej polityki klimatycznej. Agresywne cięcia emisji gazów cieplarnianych mają wyznaczać światowe trendy, a pomóc mają w tym instytucje finansowe, przede wszystkim Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny. Ma on zakończyć finansowanie projektów związanych z paliwami kopalnymi, takimi jak ropa i węgiel, jedyną niewiadomą pozostaje gaz.
Den europeiske investeringsbanken kutter fossil energi
TU Energi | November 15, 2019Skal ikke finansiere fossile energiprosjekter etter 2021. Den europeiske investeringsbanken kutter fossil energi
EIB adopts new energy lending policy, to stop financing fossil fuel projects from end-2021
Balkan Green Energy News | November 15, 2019The European Investment Bank’s (EIB) Board of Directors has agreed on a new energy lending policy which envisages that the bank will stop financing fossil fuel projects from the end of 2021.
EIB Won’t Finance Oil, Gas, Coal Projects After 2021
Diesel & Gas Turbine. | November 15, 2019The board of the European Investment Bank (EIB) agreed to a new energy lending policy that ends the financing of oil, gas and coal projects after 2021.
El BEI no financiará más proyectos de carbón, petróleo y gas a partir de 2022
El Economista | November 15, 2019El Banco Europeo de Inversiones (EIB) aprobó anoche dejar de financiar proyectos relacionados con carbón, petróleo y gas cuando concluya 2021.
European Investment Bank ends lending to fossil fuel projects
Climate Home News | November 15, 2019EU finance ministers agreed to phase out EIB lending to unabated oil and gas projects, overcoming opposition from some member states in marathon board meeting. European Investment Bank ends lending to fossil fuel projects