Centre for Environmental Information and Education (CEIE) works on a variety of issues, including public awareness campaigns, environmental education, institutional development, publishing, co-ordination of local NGOs’ activities countrywide, lobbying, monitoring of IFI’s, and special campaigns in energy and energy efficiency/renewables, transportation, water problems, etc.
CEIE is active in international work and cooperation and acts as supporting structure for many local NGO’s in this area.
A member of CEE Bankwatch Network since 1996, CEIE was one of the founders of the Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism (1998). CEIE is also a founding member of BlueLink Information Network (1998), the Bulgarian environmental portal for civil society. CEIE is also a member of European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and the Danube Environmental Forum (DEF).
CEIE supports publications by other NGOs through materials, recommendations and distribution.
Centre for Environmental Information and Education
Tsanko Tserkovski 67 B
fl. 2, apt. 3
1421 Sofia
Tel./Fax: +359 2 866 90 47
Tel.: 0888 798712