Estonian Green Movement-FoE (Eesti Roheline Liikumine – ERL) is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organisation. It was founded in 1988 as one of the first environmental NGOs in Estonia.
ERL earned credit as a leader in the Estonian independence movement. In its activities ERL is backed by a nation-wide network of more than 1000 individual members.
Today ERL is one of the most influential environmental groups in Estonia, raising environmental awareness among the public and urging the government for environmentally friendly policy. Its activities are carried out in three 3 areas: environmental awareness, environmental policy and nature conservation.
ERL is a member of Friends of the Earth, Coalition Clean Baltic, CEE Bankwatch Network, Taiga Rescue Network and Transport & Environment.
Mailing address
Postkast 35
Tartu 51004
Visiting address
Tiigi 8-24
Tartu 51003
Tel.: +372 5645 4459
Fax: +372 7 422 084