Western Balkans can leapfrog gas for solar and wind to power clean energy transition
July 16, 2024
Countries of the Western Balkans have enough prospective utility-scale solar and wind projects to generate four times more electricity than from gas-fired plants, saving billions of euros and avoiding significant carbon emissions in the process, according to a new report from Global Energy Monitor.
Urgent call for central and eastern European countries to raise their NECP climate ambitions
June 27, 2024
With the deadline (30 June) for EU Member States to submit their national energy and climate plans (NECPs) fast approaching, concerns are growing that CEE countries are not showing the ambition needed to meet their 2030 climate and energy targets.
EU climate fund bankrolling dirty energy expansion
June 25, 2024
As global temperatures continue to soar and climate disasters hit the most vulnerable, the EU’s little-known Modernisation Fund is propping up unsustainable energy infrastructure.
Environmental groups slate EU plans to weaken nature safeguards in the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia
June 25, 2024
The European Commission must revise ill-advised plans to undermine nature protection rules for renewable energy projects – including hydropower and biomass – under the Energy Community Treaty (1), 40 civil society organisations today underlined in a joint letter.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Motorway-affected residents submit complaint to the UN
June 24, 2024
A group of people whose land and houses are threatened by the EU-funded planned Corridor Vc (1) motorway south of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina have submitted a complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council (2).
Civil society urges the EBRD to adopt responsible policies and reaffirm its commitment to promoting democracy
May 14, 2024
As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) gathers for its 33rd Annual Meeting in Yerevan (1), civil society organisations have united to challenge the EBRD’s flawed policies. They highlight numerous cases where EBRD investments have had negative impacts on communities and the environment (2). CEE Bankwatch Network, a leading organisation in this effort, is also calling on the EBRD to take decisive action against the increasing repression of civil society in the countries where it operates.
More than money: New report reveals shortcomings in human rights policies of leading public development banks
May 6, 2024
As the EBRD gears up for its Annual Meeting on 14 May, the FIDH and Bankwatch release a report comparing the lending policies of four major public development banks whose loopholes are contributing to human rights violations.
EBRD approves EUR 98.6 loan for disputed fossil gas mega pipeline in North Macedonia
April 25, 2024
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) yesterday approved a EUR 98.6 million loan for a fossil gas pipeline that would allow North Macedonia to increase its gas consumption by three to six times compared to 2021, its highest-consuming year so far. (1)
Global civil society coalition demands G7 leaders to prioritise support for Ukraine at upcoming meeting
April 16, 2024
As the 2024 G7 Foreign Affairs Ministerial approaches on April 17-19 in Capri, Italy, a coalition of leading organisations is calling on G7 nations to demonstrate unwavering support for Ukraine by taking concrete actions to address the country’s critical energy issues.
New report: EU must act to prevent needless environmental and social damage by Corridor Vc motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina
April 5, 2024
The European Commission and EU public banks must press for a revision of the Corridor Vc motorway route near Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) if excessive environmental and social harm is to be avoided, finds a CEE Bankwatch Network report published today. (1)