A truly nature friendly investment – support for the development of Blooming meadows

Case study | 18 December 2023
Natural grasslands are true hotspots for biodiversity – home to about 500 of Latvia’s plant species, 60 species of birds (for which it is including 15 species as the only breeding habitat), and nearly 5,000 invertebrates. This case study demonstrates a new pilot programme designed to help these grasslands and the landowners managing them.
The case focuses on the LIFE integrated LatViaNature project ‘Blooming meadows’, which aims to gradually increase biodiversity in potentially biologically valuable grasslands that have not been ploughed for some time and where the characteristics of natural grasslands have started to return. The goal is to help the grasslands to achieve the status of an EU protected habitat, which would allow the manager of the grasslands to receive continuous support from the Common Agriculture Policy funding in the future.
You can see more case studies on the Supporting biodiversity page.
Theme: biodiversity | EU funds | nature restoration | agriculture
Location: Latvia
Project: EU funds and biodiversity
Tags: EU funds | Latvia | agriculture | biodiversity | nature restoration
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