Joint NGO proposals on the GAWB Action Plan: Parts 1 and 2 – Action Plan and Roadmaps

Briefing | 1 October 2024
The Green Agenda Action Plan, endorsed by Western Balkan leaders in October 2021, is aimed at providing guidance to Western Balkan countries on how EU pre-accession funds can be used for environmental action. It contains 58 priority actions grouped under five pillars and seven thematic roadmaps, as well as a description of the Green Agenda’s monitoring and governance structure.
From the outset, updates of the Plan were envisaged in 2024 and 2027. This paper, developed by a group of NGOs led by Bankwatch, provides suggestions on combining the Action Plan and Roadmaps, updating the planned actions, and cancelling some which are too unclear or poorly defined. It provides most specific proposals for decarbonisation, depollution and biodiversity, while also providing comments on the circular economy.
It should be read in conjunction with our comments on Part 3 of the Action Plan, on governance, monitoring and reporting on the Green Agenda.
Theme: Green Agenda | EU funds | energy transformation
Location: Western Balkans
Tags: energy transformation
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