Manifesto: A call for the next European Parliament and Commission to deliver the transformative investments citizens deserve

Manifesto | 26 March 2024
Since the launch of the European Green Deal in 2019, its goals have proven more urgent than ever. However, four years after it was announced, we are not on track to adequately tackle climate change, prevent biodiversity loss, and deliver a socio-economic transformation that leaves no one behind, both in Europe and beyond.
The proposals outlined in this manifesto guide our vision for how EU public finances can become more transformative. It is organised into five chapters: stopping biodiversity loss by protecting and restoring nature, addressing the climate and energy crises, reducing corporate power, prioritising social needs, and delivering justice for the Global South. Each chapter identifies current problems with how EU funds are being used to deliver the European Green Deal objectives in a socially and environmentally just way in Europe and around the world.
This manifesto was developed by project partners from the coalition Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing.
You can read a shorter version of the manifesto with summarised demands, also available in other languages, here.
Theme: Citizens' Observatory for Green Deal Financing | EU elections
Location: EU
Project: After recovery towards cohesion | EU funds and biodiversity
Tags: biodiversity | energy transformation
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