Manifesto on the future of EU public finances: our priorities for delivering a just and ecological transformation

Manifesto | 24 November 2023
Since the launch of the European Green Deal in 2019, its goals have proven more urgent than ever. However, even after four years, we are not on track to adequately address climate change, prevent biodiversity loss or deliver a socio-economic transformation that leaves no one behind, both in Europe and beyond.
Public investment has a crucial role to play in tackling the various crises we face today by prioritising what may not be profitable now, but is essential in the long term. The measures proposed below will ensure that public money gets to the places and people that need it most.
This manifesto presents priorities for delivering a just and ecological transformation, prepared by the coalition Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing.
Theme: energy transformation | European Green Deal
Project: After recovery towards cohesion | EU funds and biodiversity
Tags: European Green Deal | biodiversity | energy transformation | manifesto
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