The Corridor Vc motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A decisive test for EU standards

Report | 5 April 2024
The Pan-European Corridor Vc motorway is set to run from Budapest to the Adriatic port of Ploče in Croatia, with 330 kilometres of the route passing through Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
The total cost of the Corridor Vc motorway in BiH has reached EUR 4.5 billion – a massive sum for a country of less than 3.5 million people – and is set to rise by at least another EUR 600 000 if the 10-kilometre Prenj tunnel is built.
The motorway has received more than EUR 3 billion in loans and grants from the European Union’s Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Based on a March 2024 site visit, this report examines two planned sections of the motorway– from Mostar South to the Kvanj Tunnel and from Konjic to Mostar, through the iconic Prenj mountain. It presents updated findings and underlines that it is crucial for the European Commission, EIB and EBRD to ensure that the route south of Mostar and via Prenj is re-examined and publicly consulted if they want to avoid many more years of delay.
Theme: Corridor Vc
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project: Corridor Vc motorway, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tags: Corridor Vc | Corridor vc motorway
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