The World Bank Extractive Industries Review: Update and Interim Assessment
Study | 23 April, 2003 | Download PDF
The Extractive Industries Review (EIR) is an independent consultative process initiated by the World Bank Group (Bank) to consider the Banks future role in the oil, gas and mining industries. Friends of the Earth has been closely monitoring the EIR process since its inception. In November 2002, FoE released a Midterm Assessment of the EIR that described the most critical issues that had arisen during the first year of the Review, and assessed the key challenges that lay ahead in the coming year.
Bankwatch Mail 18
Bankwatch Mail | 7 April, 2003 | Download PDF
In this EBRD monothematic issue: EBRD Meeting in Tashkent: Incentive for Progress or Endorsement of Repression? * Would EBRD Money for Baku- Ceyhan Endorse Human Rights Violations? * Is the EBRD Planning to Export Chernobyl Type Aluminium? * Greenfields for Corporations – Toxic Legacy for Local Residents (NEMAK in the Czech Republic) * K2/R4 is Back on Stage * EBRD in the News * Active Bankwatchers
Bankwatch Mail 17
Bankwatch Mail | 7 February, 2003 | Download PDF
In this EIB monothematic issue: The EIB’s New Information Policy: Ask for Infromation-Test the Bank * Road to Ruin (EIB’s Loan for Bulgarian E-79 Road Construction) * Money for Nothing (Questions for the Benefits from the EU Phare Project in Bulgaria) * Did EIB Loans Tend to Ruin Regional Railways? (Slovakian Case) * Participation for Better Planning Documents? (National Development Plan for Latvia) * Not Too Late to Put Things Right (EIB Loan for Construction of Czech D-8 Highway) * The Balkan Stability Pact: What is it good for?
The Tkibuli Coal Power Station, Georgia
Briefing | 30 November, 2002 | Download PDF
Background Information The Greens Movement of Georgia and FoE Georgia are in the process of planning a campaign against the construction of a new coal power station that is supposed to be built in Tkibuli, a city in western Georgia. This campaign is being conducted by CEE Bankwatch Network and the energy/climate change sections of Foe Georgia. Short History
Bankwatch Mail 16
Bankwatch Mail | 7 November, 2002 | Download PDF
In this issue dedicated to the conference Billions for Sustainability?: Conference Billions for Sustainability? * EIB Finances, Environment Pays the Price * A Fairy Tale for a Modern Airport * EU Transport Aid in the Czech Republic – Mixing Local and Brussels-Based Contradictions * Join Active Bankwatchers * EBRD Invites Public Comments * World Bank Rejects Controversial Gold Mine Project
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