Carbon Rising: European Investment Bank energy lending 2007-2010
Study | 8 December, 2011 | Download PDF
The study analyses energy lending by the EIB, the world’s largest public bank, since the institution launched its energy policy in 2007. While lending to renewables has increased in the period 2007-2010, support for fossil fuels has also risen, almost doubling from 2.8 billion euros in 2007 to 5 billion in 2010.
Let’s talk about IPA – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. A toolkit for civil society organisations
Study | 7 December, 2011 | Download PDF
This toolkit (available in different languages) was prepared by Bankwatch partner and member groups to help civil society organisations from the Western Balkan region better understand the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) and to learn about EU experiences in programming of the EU funds.
Greening the Cohesion Policy: Efficient investments to deliver sustainable prosperity and jobs
Briefing | 6 December, 2011 | Download PDF
Cohesion Policy plays an important role in steering local economies towards sustainability. Green investments however still remain limited in the Commission’s proposal for a reformed Cohesion Policy – a missed opportunity as it stands now. This NGO briefing suggest solutions strengthen the proposal in order to achieve the fundamental energy and environment targets for 2020.
The EBRD’s energy lending at a glance
Briefing | 5 December, 2011 | Download PDF
The graphs in this briefing illustrate the EBRD’s energy lending 2006-2010. Investments in renewable energy were at least 6 times higher in the EU New Member States than in eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Although all EBRD countries of operation need such investments dearly, non-EU countries that are not stimulated by EU renewable energy targets arguably need the EBRD’s support even more.
Ten ways to improve the EBRD’s Sustainable Energy Initiative
Policy comments | 1 December, 2011 | Download PDF
The European Commission has set the goal of becoming a resource-efficient, renewables-based economy by 2050. This means a near-total decarbonisation of the EU energy sector is needed by 2050, as well as that of the industry and residential sectors. If the EBRD’s Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) wants to help achieving this, it has to be tightened up significantly. Bankwatch suggests 10 ways to do this. See our official comments to the EBRD’s SEI consultation here
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