Ugljevik power plant, Bosnia and Herzegovina
December 17, 2021
Commissioned in 1985, the 300 MW coal power plant in Ugljevik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has become famous for emitting more sulphur dioxide than all of Germany’s coal power plants in 2019.
Pljevlja I power plant, Montenegro
December 16, 2021
The existing 225 MW Pljevlja thermal power plant in the north of Montenegro, near the borders with Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, has been operating since 1982. The plant was originally planned to comprise two units but the second one was never built. The plant, along with the extensive use of coal and wood for heating, has caused unbearably bad air quality in the town.
Kostolac B power plant (B1, B2), Serbia
December 16, 2021
The Kostolac B power plant, consisting of 2 units of 350 MW each, first entered into operation in 1987. In 2022, the plant delivered 4388 GWh of electricity to the grid, nearly 20 per cent of the country’s coal-based generation.
Belgrade has offered investors exemptions from environmental and other regulations to encourage them to invest in the country
November 18, 2021
The Serbian parliament is due to vote on November 16 on legislation that, if approved, will allow major polluters to continue operating …
Македонија со големи амбиции зa напуштање на јагленот, но без јасен план
November 17, 2021
Сите 197 земји членки на Обединетите нации го потпишаа финалниот Договор за климата во Глазгов, иако многу од нив беа разочарани од текстот …
BiH is among the few European countries that still count on coal in its energy strategy
November 7, 2021
BiH is among the few European countries that still count on coal in its energy strategy, and the explanation for the new investment in …
The Serbian parliament is expected to allow top polluters
November 6, 2021
Of the 227 facilities listed by the Ministry for Environmental Protection, only 46 have obtained permits since the Law entered into force …
L’Europe en a-t-elle fini avec le charbon ?
November 5, 2021
Une quarantaine de pays se sont engagés jeudi lors de la COP26 de Glasgow à ne plus utiliser de charbon pour produire de l’électricité. …
COP26: les Balkans misent toujours sur le charbon, à leurs risques et périls
November 4, 2021
Les pays du sud-est de l’Europe restent très dépendants de la lignite, dont leur sous-sol regorge, pour produire de l’électricité. Une …
En los Balcanes siguen apostando por el carbón y contaminan más que la UE
November 4, 2021
Mientras que la UE intensifica la descarbonización de su generación eléctrica, los países balcánicos no …