Chair, executive committee
Email: pepe AT ut.eeTel.:
Peep was one of the founders of Bankwatch in 1995 and worked for the network as the Estonia national coordinator until 2007. He has been active in NGO movements for over 25 years, having led Estonian Green Movement, Tartu Student Nature Protection Circle and serving in boards of many environmental NGOs or networks, including Friends of the Earth Europe and Coalition Clean Baltic. Peep has interests in the theory and practice of international environmental policy-making. He has seen it close while working as an adviser at the European Parliament in 2007-2008 and as coordinator of an environmental policy program for ten countries from Belarus to Tajikistan at the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in 2012-2017. Peep works currently as freelance environmental consultant and devotes his spare time volunteering for different NGOs, including for Bankwatch as an Excom member.