Former public finance policy officer
Email: wawa.wang AT bankwatch.orgTel.:
Is it accessible?
Providing the public with access to information and decision-making processes before development banks spend taxpayer money is a cornerstone of accountability and transparency.
Briefing: The development of Mongolia’s energy sector: Going beyond coal
Mongolia adopted a national air pollution mitigation plan in March 2017 in response to the severe air pollution.
AIIB should strive to decarbonize energy supply system & demonstrate its leadership as a risk transformer
Will AIIB’s new energy sector strategy uphold it’s “clean and green” mandate?
Vorwärts auf der Seidenstraße
Die Asiatische Infrastruktur-Investmentbank (AIIB) ist mehr als eine neue multilaterale Finanzinstitution. China will damit seine Macht in der Region festigen.
More from Wawa Wang
China must walk its EU standards talk
July 6, 2018 | Read more
The seventh Central and Eastern Europe-China “16+1” summit for heads of state is set to take place this week in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the heels of an EU initiative on screening Foreign Direct Investments in the areas of security and public order. The EU initiative comes amidst concerns of increased foreign direct investments – including Chinese – going into strategic and sensitive sectors in Europe.
China, the Western Balkans and the EU: Can three tango?
May 17, 2018 | Read more
With China pouring loans into the Western Balkans, the EU must step in to ensure this money benefits the region, writes Wawa Wang.
AIIB Public Information Policy
March 5, 2018 | Read more
We share Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s genuine interest and vision that access to information holds the key to ensuring that stakeholders, project-affected people and the general public can provide meaningful inputs into the design and impleme
AIIB financial intermediaries
January 19, 2018 | Read more
In 2017, the AIIB has invested in three financial institutions – the Indonesia Regional Infrastructure Development Fund, the India Infrastructure Fund, and the Emerging Asia Fund – and that further institutionss are on the proposed projects list, inclu
AIIB briefing on Nenskra HPP project
June 5, 2017 | Read more
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is in the process of assessing a loan for the 280 megawatt Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia. In March supplementary environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) were released in order to bring th