Saying Adiós to Coal
December 10, 2020
This briefing was issued by the Europe Beyond Coal campaign in December 2020. Europe Beyond Coal is an alliance of civil society groups working to catalyse the closures of coal mines and power plants, to prevent the building of any new coal projects and hasten the just transition to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Our groups are devoting their time, energy and resources to this independent campaign to make Europe coal free by 2030 or sooner.
España gasta más de 20 millones de euros al día en importaciones de gas
March 16, 2020
El sistema eléctrico español ha incrementado en el último año en casi un 100% su adicción al gas
Castilla-La Mancha anuncia que subvencionará estaciones de servicio expendedoras de combustibles fósiles
January 30, 2019
La consejera castellano-manchega de Economía, Empresas y Empleo, Patricia Franco, anunció ayer que su gobierno va a subvencionar el establecimiento de puntos de repostaje de gas en la región (el gas natural es un combustible fósil, cuya extracción, transporte y quema produce emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero, desencadenantes de cambio climático).
Castor project sends Project Bonds Initiative shockwaves, taxpayers hit worst
December 2, 2014
In July 2013, the much-hyped joint European commission/EIB ‘Project Bond Initiative’ (PBI) had scarcely got off the ground – in its pilot phase at least – when unusual natural events took over. Work at the EUR 1.7 billion Castor underground gas storage plant off the coast of Valencia commenced in summer 2013. But by mid-September the Spanish government was forced to halt work at the plant after 220 mini earthquakes in the area were detected in less than a month. Local residents reported the tremors following injections of natural gas to prepare Castor for operations. Subsequent research has found that the gas injection provoked 1,000 earthquakes in the region.
EIB commits to review tax haven policy
February 14, 2014
During the annual meeting between civil society and the EIB’s Board of Directors, the European Investment Bank committed to review its outdated tax haven policy this year. The commitment which followed a letter from several NGOs expressing such demand, is the most concrete outcome of the meeting which took place on 3rd February in the bank’s headquarters in Luxemburg.