Comments on the draft Environmental and Social Policy with a focus on human rights due diligence
May 27, 2024
The EBRD’s safeguards revisions show some progress, but the Bank needs to strengthen its own environmental and social due diligence, particularly in the area of human rights, to prevent human rights abuses through early risk identification and effective mitigation.
Key trends and shortcomings in community engagement on high-risk EBRD projects
May 24, 2024
The EBRD sets out requirements for stakeholder engagement as part of project risk and impact assessments. This study reviews the stakeholder engagement practices of EBRD clients in all 34 high-risk projects disclosed between 2020 and 2024.
Civil society comments on the EBRD’s good governance policies with focus on human rights due diligence
January 15, 2024
Together with other civil society organisations, Bankwatch submitted comments on the EBRD’s good governance policies, which are currently under revision.
Why the Bulgaria-Turkey gas deal could be a Russian Trojan horse
December 13, 2023
Promoted as a means to diversify gas sources, an agreement signed earlier this year by the Bulgarian government to import fossil gas from Turkey is only likely to provide a backdoor for Russian energy and undermine efforts to alleviate Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels
Joint Response to the EBRD’s 2022-27 Strategy for Egypt
July 7, 2022
The undersigned organizations commend the EBRD’s more realistic appraisal of the human rights situation in Egypt
EU funding for Malta gas pipeline challenged by climate NGOs
June 8, 2022
Environment NGOs will take legal action against European Commission to finance 30 projects that include fossil gas infrastructure
Νομικά εμπόδια από περιβαλλοντικές ΜΚΟ στην Ε.Ε για κατασκευή αγωγού EastMed
June 7, 2022
To σχέδιο της ΕΕ για επιτάχυνση της χρηματοδότησης και των αδειών για 30 έργα φυσικού αερίου αντιμετωπίζει νομική πρόκληση από ΜΚΟ, …
UAE membership raises human rights concerns around EBRD
February 1, 2021
The United Arab Emirates is set to become the newest member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, alarming rights …
The European Investment Bank should protect human rights in its business practices, said 15 NGOs
January 29, 2021
On the occasion of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors’ annual policy dialogue with civil society, fifteen organizations …
La storia di TAP, un gasdotto svizzero
March 18, 2020
Guerra diplomatica tra potenze mondiali. Interessi contrapposti di colossi energetici. Geopolitica e affari. Promesse elettorali e proteste della popolazione. Nei 15 anni trascorsi dalla sua ideazione, il Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) – il gasdotto che