Just transition report looks into post-coal job prospects in Romania’s Jiu Valley
Balkan Green Energy News | September 25, 2019NGOs Greenpeace and Bankwatch Romania have launched a new report outlining scenarios for the just transition of Romania’s best-known coal region, Jiu Valley, highlighting job growth and economic development without coal is very much possible in the region.
Green Home: Male hidroelektrane devastirale životnu sredinu
Vijesti | September 25, 2019“Da mHE predstavljaju unosan biznis pokazuje podatak da se za samo devet godina broj mHE učetvorostručio. Ukupan broj mHE 2009. u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana bio je 108 dok je 2018. taj broj 488”
“Ko plaća, a ko profitira”: Evo ko je sve imao koristi od izgradnje malih hidroelektrana
Vijesti | September 25, 2019U Izvještaju se konstatuje kako vlade Zapadnog Balkana moraju da ukinu podsticaje za zrele tehnologije, kao što su hidroelektrane “Ko plaća, a ko profitira”: Evo ko je sve imao koristi od izgradnje malih hidroelektrana.
Zapadni Balkan da prestane da subvencioniše destruktivne male hidroelektrane – izveštaj
Balkan Green Energy News | September 25, 2019Evropska komisija i Energetska zajednica treba da doprinesu ukidanju državne finansijske podrške za destruktivne male hidroelektrane (MHE) na Zapadnom Balkanu tako što će obezbediti primenu EU pravila o državnoj pomoći, uključujući odredbe o ekološkoj
Gradnja mHE devastira životnu sredinu
RTCG | September 25, 2019Gradnja malih hidroelektrana u regiji stimulisana podsticajima rezultirala je devastiranom životnom sredinom, malim udjelom u ukupno proizvedenoj električnoj energiji i bogaćenjem pojedinaca bliskih vlasti, saopšteno je iz NVO Green Home. Gradnja mHE d
Grčka i Mađarska napuštaju ugalj do 2030. godine
Energetski Portal | September 25, 2019Grčki premijer i predsednik Mađarske su nedavno objavili nameru da ugase proizvodnju električne energije iz ugljado 2028. godine u Grčkoj, odnosno do 2030. u Mađarskoj, čime obe države otvaraju put pravičnoj tranziciji ka obnovljivim izvorima energije.
Western Balkans urged to end subsidies for destructive small hydropower – report
Balkan Green Energy News | September 25, 2019The European Commission and the Energy Community need to play a role in ending state financial support for destructive hydropower plants in the Western Balkans by ensuring that the EU’s rules on state aid – including provisions on environmental sustain
Enthusiasm for coal starts to burn out in the Western Balkans
IntelliNews | September 23, 2019Enthusiasm for coal starts to burn out in the Western Balkans
The Brussels Conversation: Green Finance Drive Squeezes Gas Projects
Natural Gas World | September 20, 2019European Commission president-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, has made a “European Green Deal” a cornerstone of her political agenda. It underpins her ambition to make Europe the world’s first climate neutral continent.
Ecologists warn that Residents around Stanari coal-fired Power Plant are regularly affected by Pollution from different Directions
Sarajevo Times | September 18, 2019The Stanari coal-fired power plant, which started operating in September 2016, its ash disposal site, and the already-existing open-cast lignite mine have formed a curve around the north and east of the village.