Environmental organisations ‘very disappointed’ with new ERDF Regulation
Euractiv | February 19, 2019The European Parliament’s REGI committee voted on the regulation for the regional development fund on Thursday (14 February). Environmental activists criticized the fact that key concessions to climate protection were withdrawn and the proposal reportedly contradicted a vote from the day before.
Un pacte financier pour sauver le climat séduit d’Alain Juppé à Podemos
Le Monde | February 19, 2019Ce projet de traité, signé par 600 personnalités, prévoit notamment la création d’une banque européenne du climat et d’un fonds spécifique, totalisant 300 milliards d’euros par an. Un pacte financier pour sauver le climat séduit d’Alain Juppé à Podemos
Environmentalists seek tougher EU curbs on Balkan coal power plants
Reuters | February 19, 2019Environmentalists urged EU policy makers on Tuesday to take a tougher stance on air pollution from coal power plants in the Western Balkans, blaming the fumes for 3,900 deaths across Europe each year. Environmentalists seek tougher EU curbs on Balkan coal power plants.
Umweltverbände „sehr enttäuscht“ über neue EFRE-Verordnung
Euractiv | February 15, 2019Gestern hat REGI-Ausschuss des Parlaments über die Verordnung des milliardenschweren Fonds für regionale Entwicklung abgestimmt. Umweltschützer kritisieren, dass entscheidende Zugeständnisse zum Klimaschutz gestrichen worden. Außerdem widerspreche der Entwurf einer Abstimmung vom Vortag.
Parliament moves to make EU cohesion policy greener
Ends Europe | February 13, 2019The EU has moved a step closer to making its cohesion policy climate-proof after the European parliament voted to exclude fossil fuels from regional programme funding Parliament moves to make EU cohesion policy greener
Sowjet-Reaktoren wiederbeleben
Taz | February 12, 2019In der Ukraine soll an einem AKW aus den 1980ern weitergebaut werden. UmweltschützerInnen warnen, der Rohbau von damals sei längst veraltet.
Construction of SHPP near Štrpce halted, Podgorica to host talks on hydropower in the region
Balkan Green Energy News | February 12, 2019Amid the public outcry against the construction of small hydropower plants (SHPPs) throughout the region, with the latest cases in Štrpce in Kosovo* and at the Krapska river in Macedonia, all interested parties will have the opportunity to exchange views during two meetings in Podgorica – a public debate on planned hydropower plants (HPPs) on Morača river, as well as HPPs in BiH, Montenegro, and Serbia, and the Ministerial Conference on Transition to Sustainable Energy in the Western Balkans.
Nga Enver Hoxha te BERZH-i: Hidroenergjia në Shqipëri, kërcënim reale për natyrën dhe njerëzit e vendit malor
TemA Online | February 11, 2019BERZH-i dhe Societe Generale po sponsorizojnë një projekt ndërtimi në shkallë të gjerë në të gjithë Shqipërinë. Mbi 300 hidrocentrale në faza të ndryshme zhvillimi po paraqesin kërcënime reale për natyrën dhe njerëzit e vendit malor. Ata duhet të shmangin përsëritjen e marrëzisë betonizuese të Enver Hoxhës.
EIB Underestimated Climate Risks In Granting Loans To Southern Gas Corridor Projects -NGOs
Urdupoint | February 7, 2019Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) lodged a complaint on Thursday with the European Investment Bank (EIB), accusing the latter of failure to ensure a proper climate impact assessment when deciding on allocation of loans to two projects as parts of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC)
Natural Gas World | February 7, 2019The European bank used flawed methodology to downgrade the risk that the mega pipeline project would pose, both inherently through its operation, or through misconduct, they allege.