Serbia synon të fillojë termocentralin e ri në fund të vitit 2020
Telegrafi | February 5, 2019Kostolac B3, termocentrali i ri i Serbisë me kapacitet prej 350 megavatësh, do të fillojë prodhimin në fund të vitit 2020, sipas Ministrit të Energjisë të këtij vendi. Kostolac B3 paraqet vetëm hapin e parë të Serbisë në rrugëtimin drejt pozitës së liderit energjetik ne rajon.
L’Europa dice basta ai finanziamenti agli inceneritori
Valori | February 2, 2019Il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, da cui arrivavano i finanziamenti agli inceneritori, sarà invece destinato alla crescita intelligente e all’economia verde. L’Europa dice basta ai finanziamenti agli inceneritori
Castilla-La Mancha anuncia que subvencionará estaciones de servicio expendedoras de combustibles fósiles
Energias Renovable | January 30, 2019La consejera castellano-manchega de Economía, Empresas y Empleo, Patricia Franco, anunció ayer que su gobierno va a subvencionar el establecimiento de puntos de repostaje de gas en la región (el gas natural es un combustible fósil, cuya extracción, transporte y quema produce emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero, desencadenantes de cambio climático).
Ne Davimo Beograd initiative: Decision on contents of waste incinerator study annulled
Balkan Green Energy News | January 22, 2019Following a complaint filed by the Ne Davimo Beograd initiative, the Government of Serbia has annulled the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s decision determining the scope and contents of environmental impact assessment for a project to build a wa
Inicijativa: Poništeno rešenje o sadržaju studije za spalionicu otpada u Vinči
Danas | January 21, 2019Vlada Srbije je, nakon žalbe Inicijative Ne davimo Beograd, donela odluku o poništavanju rešenja Ministarstva životne sredine kojim se određuje obim i sadržaj studije o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu projekta izgradnje spalionice u Vinči. Source: I
Departing World Bank chief leaves climate job unfinished
Climate Home News | January 9, 2019Jim Kim reformed world’s largest development lender, but it continues to finance fossil fuels and his climate legacy could be challenged if the US chooses his successor. Source: Departing World Bank chief leaves climate job unfinished
A “coal curtain” is the new Iron Curtain
Blue Link Stories | January 8, 2019The European Union’s goal to become climate neutral by 2050 needs joint effort to decarbonise its power sector. Yet, a “coal curtain” still seem to divide West and East, as most Eastern countries show hesitation or opposition when it comes to phasing out coal.
Die Frauen von der Brücke
Süddeutsche Zeitung | December 28, 2018Auf dem Balkan boomt der Bau von Wasserkraftwerken, doch die Nachhaltigkeit der Projekte ist umstritten. Frauen im Dorf Kruščica besetzen eine Brücke und blockieren so die Interessen internationaler Konzerne. Source: Die Frauen von der Brücke
Bulgaria, l’autostrada che divide
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - Transeuropa | December 27, 2018Un discusso progetto di collegamento tra Sofia e Salonicco, finanziato dall’Unione Europea, rischia di annientare in un sol colpo la più importante area protetta e uno dei maggiori siti archeologici del paese Source: Bulgaria, l’autostrada che divide
Čo sa stane, keď Slovensko prestane ťažiť hnedé uhlie
Hospodárske noviny | December 24, 2018Viac, ako na podporu doťaženia míňajúceho sa fosílneho paliva, sa oplatí investovať do obnoviteľných zdrojov. Prinieslo by nám to úspory, ale i postavenie „trendsettera“ v oblasti čistej energie. Source: Čo sa stane, keď Slovensko prestane ťažiť hnedé