A la COP24, la Pologne réclame une « transition juste »
Le Monde | December 4, 2018La présidence de la conférence des Nations unies sur le climat a demandé lundi un accompagnement social des politiques environnementales. Source: A la COP24, la Pologne réclame une « transition juste »
Poland Drafts ‘Empty Words’ About Exiting Coal
Natural Gas World | December 3, 2018As COP-24 starts in Katowice, two groups have criticised the region’s continuing “over-reliance” on coal, while the EBRD added its own warning. Source: Poland Drafts ‘Empty Words’ About Exiting Coal
COP24 showtime — Berlin unflinching on NS2 — G19 stick to Paris
POLITICO Pro Morning Energy and Climate | December 3, 2018— Just transition day: Today, Polish President Andrzej Duda will receive some 40 national leaders, and invite them to sign a “just transition declaration.” According to a draft, leaders should “ensure a decent future” for workers, which is “crucial to
Hoe een Silezisch dorp (vergeefs) strijdt tegen een kolenmijn
De Volkskrant | November 30, 2018Polen is de komende twee weken gastheer van de mondiale klimaatconferentie (COP24) van de Verenigde Naties. Een op z’n zachtst gezegd ongemakkelijke rol: het land ligt stevig aan het steenkoolinfuus. Source: Hoe een Silezisch dorp (vergeefs) strijdt te
What do Blair and the Italian far right have in common? A commitment to destroying the environment
Morning Star | November 29, 2018Despite the global epiphany that climate genocide is only 12 years away, a controversial gas pipeline is set to go ahead, writes BEN COWLES Source: What do Blair and the Italian far right have in common? A commitment to destroying the environment
Mini-centrali idroelettriche, Belgrado verso lo stop
Piccolo Trieste | November 29, 2018In Serbia una legge vieterà la costruzione di nuove dighe sui corsi d’acqua che attraversano parchi e zone naturali: prima vittoria degli ambientalisti Source: Mini-centrali idroelettriche, Belgrado verso lo stop
Cop 24: conferenza Onu sul clima alla prese col carbone della Polonia
Osservatorio Diritti | November 28, 2018Alla Cop 24 delle Nazioni Unite per la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici che si apre il 3 dicembre a Katowice, in Polonia, l’Europa si presenta come leader delle politiche sul clima. Ma non potrà nascondere il fiume di soldi che dalle sue banche va a fina
China funds Serbian coal boom
Eurasia Times | November 26, 2018Concerns are increasing about the international role of China in creating air pollution as it backs a major coal project in Serbia. Source: China funds Serbian coal boom
自由亚洲电台 | November 25, 2018全球温室气体的排放水平达到了新高,越来越多的人关注中国在全球气候变暖问题上所扮演的角色。据英国广播公司11月25日(星期日)的消息,多年来,中国煤电站数量的增加一直受到批评。现在,有环保组织指出,中国还在境外支持数十个煤矿项目。 Source: 成世界最大海外煤电资助人:中国“一带一路”煤矿项目加剧气候变暖?
China-backed coal projects prompt climate change fears
BBC News | November 22, 2018A new unit at a Serbian coal-fired power station focuses concerns on China’s role in global warming. Source: China-backed coal projects prompt climate change fears