Inicijativa Odbranimo reke Stare planine organizuje protest u Pirotu protiv gradnje MHE u zaštićenim područjima
Balkan Green Energy News | August 28, 2018Inicijativa Odbranimo reke Stare planine u nedelju u 17 sati u Pirotu organizuje protest protiv gradnje malih hidroelektrana (MHE) u zaštićenim područjima, na kojem će ponoviti dva svoja zahteva – da se obriše 58 malih elektrana iz Prostornog plana Opš
Hoe fris is de Oekraïense plofkip?
NRC | August 22, 2018Pluimvee: Oekraïense pluimveegigant MHP krijgt publiek geld van ontwikkelingsbanken. De werkwijze van het bedrijf staat ter discussie. Source: Hoe fris is de Oekraïense plofkip?
Podnesene tužbe protiv dozvola za hidroelektrane Buk Bijela i Foča
Energetski Portal | August 21, 2018Arhus, resursni centar Sarajevo podnio je dvije tužbe Okružnom sudu u Banjaluci protiv obnovljenih ekoloških dozvola za hidroelektrane Buk Bijela i Foča na reci Drini u Bosni i Hercegovini u blizini granice s Crnom Gorom. Source: Podnesene tužbe protiv
Ugljen u JI Europi ne znači nova radna mjesta | August 21, 2018Zagovornici projekata napuhuju brojke Ekološka grupacija CEE Bankwatch objavila je da države Jugoistočne Europe – Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, Bugarska, Grčka, Kosovo, Makedonija, Rumunjska i Crna Gora – u javnosti stvaraju pogrešnu sliku kako će se pr
Hydropower rebounds in the Western Balkans
BNE Intellinews | August 8, 2018After a severe drought caused hydropower generation to slump in the Western Balkans last year, the latest data show a sharp rebound in hydroelectricity production in the first half of 2018. Source: Hydropower rebounds in the Western Balkans
How citizens battling a controversial gold mining project are testing Armenia’s new democracy
openDemocracy | August 7, 2018Can Armenia’s Velvet Revolution deliver change for communities struggling for their health, livelihoods and futures? Source: How citizens battling a controversial gold mining project are testing Armenia’s new democracy
Pippa Gallop, Bankwatch: We Need to Stop Building New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure | August 6, 2018While the major EU states have already set out a clear strategy for the swiftest possible transition to renewable energy sources and found many business opportunities along the way, the countries of South East Europe (SEE), where renewable power plant
Save the Blue Heart: Wie die letzten wilden Flüsse in Europa geschützt werden können
HuffPost | August 2, 2018Am 27. Juni fand im EU-Parlament eine Debatte zum Thema “Save the Blue Heart of Europe” statt, bei der politische Entscheidungsträger, Medien und Nichtregierungsorganisationen zusammentrafen. Die Frage des Schutzes der letzten wilden Flüsse Europas auf
Two Court Complaints Against BiH’s Hydropower Permits | July 27, 2018The Aarhus Resource Centre Sarajevo has submitted two court complaints to the District Court in Banja Luka against the environmental permits for the Buk Bijela and Foča hydropower plants (HPPs) on the river Drina in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) near th
Aarhus Centre lodges court complaints against environmental permits for HPPs Buk Bijela, Foča
Balkan Green Energy News | July 27, 2018The Aarhus Resource Centre Sarajevo has submitted two court complaints to the District Court in Banja Luka against the environmental permits for the Buk Bijela and Foča hydropower plants (HPPs) on the river Drina in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) near th