Hidroelektrane prijete rijekama na Balkanu?
Radio Slobodna Evropa | June 22, 2018Peticijom je zatraženo da se zaustavi investiranje u hidroelektrane na Balkanu. Source: Hidroelektrane prijete rijekama na Balkanu?
In 120 mila per salvare i fiumi dei Balcani dalle dighe
Il Piccolo Balcani | June 22, 2018Alla Bers una petizione che chiede di bloccare i fondi per la costruzione di dighe e centrali idroelettriche nel cuore blu dell’Europa: 2800 gli impianti progettati Source: In 120 mila per salvare i fiumi dei Balcani dalle dighe
International nonprofits welcome World Bank’s shift towards green energy in Kosovo
Prishtina Insight | June 21, 2018A group of international and Kosovo-based NGOs have expressed support for the World Bank’s shift towards a more ‘comprehensive approach to energy sector development’ in Kosovo. Source: International nonprofits welcome World Bank’s shift towards green e
Hydropower threatens Balkan rivers, campaigners say
European Scientist | June 17, 2018Over the next few years, 3,000 hydropower plants could be built in the Balkan region. Environmentalists say the plans threaten rivers from Slovenia to Albania, considered to be some of the last wild rivers in Europe. Source: Hydropower threatens Balkan
Zaključavanje u ugljen, zaključavanje u prošlost
H-Alter | June 12, 2018Dok Kina ubrzano radi na dekarbonizaciji svoje ekonomije, kineske tvrtke i banke grade ili financiraju projekte termoelektrana na ugljen na Balkanu. U BiH je nedavno tako sagrađena termoelektrana Stanari, koja je u cijelosti dopremljena iz Kine, a Blok
The ‘deconstruction’ of the most ambitious project of the EU, the ‘Southern Gas Corridor’
Independent Balkan News Agency | June 12, 2018There is nothing that will change except from the supplier country since instead of Russia Europe will now Source: The ‘deconstruction’ of the most ambitious project of the EU, the ‘Southern Gas Corridor’
Gasdotto Tap, cosa cambierà, o non cambierà, con il nuovo governo
Qualenergia.it | June 7, 2018Il neoministro dell’Ambiente, Sergio Costa, ha bollato come “inutile” il corridoio Sud, che dovrebbe trasportare 10 miliardi di metri cubi di nuovo gas in Italia, sposando la tesi contraria a quella del precedente governo, che invece riteneva quest’ope
Balkan rivers are crying for help
Independent Balkan News Agency | June 4, 2018Protests that take the form of a whistle-blowing complaint are “choking” the Balkans in an attempt to save the water resources of the countries in the region. Source: Balkan rivers are crying for help
Threatening wilderness, dams fuel protests in the Balkans
Thomson Reuters Foundation | June 4, 2018KRUSCICA, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – For almost a year, a clutch of Bosnian women has kept watch over a wooden bridge to disrupt the march of hydropower – part of a Balkan-wide protest against the damming of Europe’s wild riv
Talsperren allenthalben
Tages-Anzeiger | May 22, 2018Balkanstaaten planen den Bau von 3000 meist kleinen Wasserkraftwerken. Doch die Dämme sind für die Energieversorgung nutzlos. Source: Talsperren allenthalben