What’s Up With Water – March 19, 2018 – Circle of Blue
| March 19, 2018Eileen Wray-McCannEileen Wray-McCann is a writer, director and narrator who co-founded Circle of Blue. During her 13 years at Interlochen Public Radio, a National Public Radio affiliate in Northern Michigan, Eileen produced and hosted regional and nati
Shoqatat e ekologëve kërkojnë anulimin e projekteve për hidroelektrana në PK Mavrovë – Arbresh.info
| March 17, 2018Qeveria akoma nuk e ka anuluar ndërtimin e hidroelektranave në Parkun Kombëtar Mavrovë, as nuk i ndërprerë kontratat e koncesioneve që janë shkelur edhe pse këtë gjë e ka kërkuar Komiteti i Konventës së Bernit për mbrojtjen e botës së egër bimore dhe s
Tell the dam truth says Patagonia | pebble magazine
| March 16, 2018Patagonia’s new campaign Blue Heart takes aim at the unprecedented amount of new hydro projects in the Balkans that threaten Europe’s last wild rivers Source: Tell the dam truth says Patagonia | pebble magazine
Bankwatch: 82 HPP Projects Financed by Banks in SEE
| March 16, 2018Multilateral development banks have supported no fewer than 82 hydropower projects across South East Europe (SEE), including in protected areas, shows a study published by the CEE Bankwatch Network. Source: Bankwatch: 82 HPP Projects Financed by Banks
Federation vouches for gas from Azerbaijan – energate messenger +
| March 6, 2018Source: Federation vouches for gas from Azerbaijan – energate messenger +
Five decades breathing coal and losing years of life in Bosnia
| February 24, 2018Os moradores de Tuzla, no nordeste da Bósnia-Herzegóvina, vivem em média três anos menos que seus compatriotas, já que convivem com uma usina termelétrica alimentada com carvão que há cinco décadas co Source: Five decades breathing coal and losing year
Szerb atomopció
Világgazdaság | February 21, 2018Szerbiában tilos atomerőművet építeni. Minek is? Déli szomszédunk energiatermelése ötödrészben már megújulókon alapul, zöldkapacitásainak ráadásul csak a harmadát használja ki, látványosan nyit a szélenergia felé, lignitje is van bőven, és remek importlehetőségekkel rendelkezik. A tilalom persze nem ezért, hanem még a csernobili atombaleset okozta bizalomvesztés miatt született. Szerb atomopció
They warn of the risks of coal-fired thermoelectric plants
| February 18, 2018Bankwatch Network, una red de protección del medioambiente y derechos humanos, advierte el peligro de las centrales de carbón. Source: They warn of the risks of coal-fired thermoelectric plants
Why is Kosovo going ahead with a lignite coal power plant that is extremely expensive and dangerous to health?
| February 13, 2018Toxins in the air have reached “hazardous” levels in Pristina, Kosovo, last week. A ban on cars is welcome. But the real problem is the lignite coal plants nearby. So why is the Kosovo government, the US and the World Bank all supporting yet another ne
Key decision made that could rewrite EU energy policy
Portfolio | February 7, 2018The European Investment Bank (EIB) on Tuesday approved its largest ever single loan to an energy project: the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). The 1.5 Source: Key decision made that could rewrite EU energy policy