European development bank raises $391m through debut equity fund
Public Finance International | September 21, 2016The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has raised €350m ($391m) in the first round of fundraising for its debut Equity Participation Fund. The fund aims to attract long term institutional capital into the private sector of those countries
First Balkans private power plant boosts coal dependence
Reuters | September 20, 2016* Chinese-built plant is first privately built in Western Balkans * Plant increases regional dependent on dirty coal * Chinese investment playing growing role in region’s power By Maja Zuvela STANARI, Bosnia, Sept 20 The Balkan region’s first privately-funded power plant came online on Tuesday, increasing the region’s dependency on coal-fired power stations even as environmental concerns are driving them to the brink of the extinction elsewhere in Europe.
Southern Gas Corridor under more pressure
Interfax Global Energy | September 20, 2016Russia’s plan to revive the Turkish Stream pipeline and the Interconnector Turkey-Greece-Italy (ITGI) project could put future projects along the proposed Southern Gas Corridor under even more pressure. Gulmira Rzayeva, senior research fellow at Azerba
Juncker’s extended investment plan is ‘greenwash’, say campaigners
ENDS Europe | September 15, 2016Environmental NGOs have claimed the European Commission’s investment plans will “open the door” to more fossil fuel projects […]
Pobuna za Bunu
H-Alter | September 14, 2016“Ja ne razumijem kako neki ljudi vole samo sjedit po kafićima. Ja to ne mogu, meni je draže ovdje sjedit”, govori Aida dok promatra smaragdno zelenu boju rijeke Bune. Nakon što teče pod zemljom više od 19 kilometara, ova rijeka izvire na površinu 12 ki
Saporoschje bleibt weiter am Netz
taz | September 14, 2016Die Laufzeit des größten Atomkraftwerks in Europa wurde verlängert. Doch die Kritiker zweifeln an der Sicherheit des Reaktors. KIEW taz | Europas größtes Atomkraftwerk, das AKW Saporoschje in der Ostukraine, geht in die Laufzeitverlängerung. Am Dienstag beschloss die ukrainische Atombehörde einstimmig, die Laufzeit des ersten der insgesamt sechs Reaktoren um weitere neun Jahre zu verlängern. Er ist seit Dezember 1985 am Netz und hat seine ursprünglich auf 30 Jahre ausgelegte Lebenszeit erreicht.
Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy
Climate News Network | September 14, 2016Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses. LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.
Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates
Balkan Insight | September 13, 2016NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation. Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.
Londonski biznis portal: Italijani će izaći iz EPCG
Vijesti Online | September 11, 2016Iako A2A nije objavila namjere u vezi sa EPCG, a nije odgovorila na zahtjev „bneIntelliNews“ za informacijama, analitičari predviđaju da će kompanija iskoristiti mogućnost da ode Očekuje se da će italijanska kompanija A2A izaći iz svoje investicije u Elektroprivredi CG nakon burnih sedam godina, ostavljajući Crnoj Gori mogućnost da slobodono ignoriše zabrinutost za ekonomsku održivost, ekološku štetu i transparentnost zbog namjere da gradi drugi blok Termoelektrane Pljevlja, navodi londonski „bne IntelliNews”. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci pregovora, nedavno […]
European institutions accused of undermining Paris Agreement by funding dirty energy projects
BusinessGreen | September 2, 2016EU bodies including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are backing fossil fuel projects that threaten progress on climate targets, NGOs claim Despite the promises made in Paris in December last year, key European institutions continue to fund dirty energy generation over alternative energy sources, according to a new report released yesterday […]