Polish gas policy under fire
New Europe | May 21, 2013On 21 May, Bloomberg reported that the Polish gas policy followed by the government has led many North American companies to leave the country. However, the tax measures haven’t become law yet.
EBRD Chief Warns to Expect More Investment in Coal
Oilprice.com | May 14, 2013Riccardo Puliti, the energy chief of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), one of the most influential government –owned investment organisations in the energy industry, has stated that it may begin to invest more heavily in coal projects. Puliti argues that when looking at where to invest in the energy market it is not always possible to maintain an ideological policy on carbon intensity, and that other important factors must also be considered.
Carbone, una delle più grandi banche europee rilancia gli investimenti
Ecologiae | May 14, 2013Il carbone ci ha portato in una situazione ambientale insostenibile. Ma siccome porta lavoro, bisogna continuare ad investire in quel campo. Questa scriteriata scelta non arriva da un’imprenditore dell’ultima ora ma da Riccardo Puliti, capo della divisione energia della EBRD, la Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo. In pratica una delle principali banche del Vecchio Continente che si occupano di finanziare i grandi progetti imprenditoriali.
Greens appeal to PM and EBRD to scrap Ombla project
Dalje.com | May 14, 2013About 40 civil society organisations from throughout Croatia and international organisations, including Friends of the Earth International, Bankwatch and Justice and Environment, have sent letters to Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic and the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Suma Chakrabarti, appealing that they abandon the plan for the construction of a harmful and expensive hydroelectric power plant on the Ombla river in the Dubrovnik area of southern Croatia.
Serbia mining at centre of debate
SETimes | May 14, 2013The Kolubara mining basin covers 600 square kilometres, producing 30 million tonnes of lignite and more than 50 percent of Serbia’s electricity annually. While government and international investors claim Kolubara is crucial to Serbia’s energy security, critics said expansion has come at heavy social and environmental cost.
Arab organisations speak out against EBRD
Daily News Egypt | May 13, 2013Economic and environmental concerns surrounding EBRD’s plans for SEMED region conveyed by regional groups
European development bank defends coal investments
RTCC | May 13, 2013Europe: The head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has defended its coal investments and warned that low carbon ideology should not steer decisions on which energy projects it backs.
European energy chief puts forward case for funding coal
Guardian | May 13, 2013EBRD chief Riccardo Puliti warns Europe not to be hasty in adopting ‘ideological’ policy on carbon intensity funding
EBRD defends energy policy
Emerging Markets | May 13, 2013EBRD’s energy chief unveils key strands of its imminent new strategy and defends the bank against accusations of an obsession with fossil fuels
La terra dell’oro blu
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso | May 7, 2013La Bosnia Erzegovina è uno dei paesi europei più ricchi di risorse idriche. Il progetto di costruire una serie di centrali idroelettriche, in modo particolare nella Republika Srpska, rischia però di comprometterne il delicato equilibrio ambientale.