Debate on greener EU budget gets underway
ENDS Europe | April 24, 2012One of the MEPs leading debate on the environmental earmarking of EU funds in the next budget will outline her views in the parliament’s environment committee in early May. Rapporteur Jutta Haug issued three working documents last week.
Lessons learned for the EBRD
EUObserver | April 10, 2012In recent weeks, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has been in the news as rarely before, with a few important questions being raised about its accountability.
The European Investment Bank should rather do better than more
New Europe | March 30, 2012The European Investment Bank – the European Union’s house bank – should lend more responsibly and more transparently, said the European Parliament on Thursday while assessing the bank’s annual activity report. But the capital increase at the EIB called for by the same European Parliament would hardly allow an already over-stretched institution to make such improvements. The bank would be better advised to work on improving management of current resources before rushing into a capital expansion.
Prljavi novac i slovenska termoelektrana
Al Jazeera Balkans | March 28, 2012Državna komisija upozorava da je korupcija mogla utjecati na dodjelu ugovora o izgradnji novog bloka u termoelektrani Šoštanj.
MEPs question heavy greening of the EU budget
EurActiv | March 28, 2012Earmarking too large a chunk of the European Union’s cohesion funds for environmental projects in the 2014-2020 budget could be “detrimental”, MEPs said.
Rare photos of Kumtor mine and environs | March 26, 2012
Ukraine, EU: An incomplete debate on nuclear energy
EurActiv | March 21, 2012For some people in Ukraine, it has been striking to see how little awareness and discussion there is in Europe about Kyiv’s plans to expand the lifetime of 12 old nuclear reactors, right on the doorstep of the EU and most likely at European taxpayers’ expense, writes Iryna Holovko, an environmental campaigner in Ukraine.
European bank criticized for encouraging Mubarak-era policies
Egypt Independent | March 12, 2012The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights issued this month a scathing critique of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s vision for economic development in Egypt.
In Kyrgyzstan, a Mountain of Trouble
Transitions Online | March 5, 2012The Kyrgyz government desperately needs the money generated by gold mining. But can it live with the growing international criticism?
Regional budget talks locked in ‘pre-crisis period’
EurActiv | March 1, 2012Negotiations on the role regional funds will play in the EU’s next multi-annual budget are stagnating because talks are taking place in the context of the pre-crisis period, Fabian Zuleeg of the European Policy Centre told EurActiv in an interview.