Bankwatch slams Romania’s free EUA request
Carbon Finance | February 27, 2012NGO Bankwatch has criticised the national emissions plan submitted by Romania to the European Commission, claiming the east European country intends to use free emissions allowances from 2013 to invest “almost exclusively in fossil fuel facilities”.
New: the EU budget – it has never been so green
European Energy Review | February 24, 2012For the first time ever decarbonisation is an explicit goal of the next EU budget. And it shows: the European Commission wants to devote fully 20% of the 1 trillion budget, which runs from 2014 to 2020, to climate-related actions. The goal: to change the face of the European energy system and sow the seeds for a low-carbon economy in 2050. But it is the Member States who will ultimately have to make up their minds whether they want to make the EU’s green dream come true. Sonja van Renssen reports from Brussels.
NGOs: Romania’s submissions for greenhouse gas allowances contradict EU’s goals
Romania Insider | February 22, 2012Romania has not included investments in wind, hydro, solar or geothermal power plants in its national plan, submitted in September 2011 to the European Commission to obtain greenhouse gas emissions allowances, found a recent analysis issued by CEE Bankwatch Network and Greenpeace Romania.
L’or contre l’eau au Kirghizstan
Affaires Strateguiques | February 17, 2012L’entreprise minière Kumtor Gold Mine est aujourd’hui montrée du doigt par deux études sorties consécutivement et qui l’accusent de négligences graves aux conséquences nuisibles pour le reste de la région centrasiatique. Dans un contexte géographique où l’eau constitue un enjeu majeur, le Kirghizstan bénéficie d’un avantage stratégique puisqu’il est placé en amont des autres pays. Si la gestion des ressources hydriques se fait théoriquement en concertation avec les autres partenaires de la région, ces deux rapports montrent que les relations sont conflictuelles.
Mongolia as Minegolia? Paying the Price
New York Times | February 16, 2012
Gold Mine Strike Costing Kyrgyzstan Millions Per Week
eurasianet | February 15, 2012A week-old strike at Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine is costing Bishkek approximately $380,000 per day, according to the Vechernii Bishkek newspaper. Judging by a brief slowdown last year, the walkout could sharply affect growth forecasts.
EBRD invests a record €2.6bn in sustainable energy in 2011
Environmental Finance | February 14, 2012The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) invested €2.6 ($3.43) billion in sustainable energy projects in 2011.
Greener EU budget good for jobs, say NGOs
ENDS Europe | February 10, 2012More than half a million jobs could be created in Europe if 14% of the next EU budget for 2014-20 is invested in green sectors such as renewable energy and nature protection, a group of environmental groups has said.
Union européenne : incohérences environnementales des politiques de cohésion
Actu Environment | February 9, 2012Le réseau Bankwatch a réalisé une évaluation de la prise en compte des objectifs environnementaux et climatiques dans les investissements soutenus par les fonds de cohésion. La Commission cherche à accentuer leur cohérence écologique.
The facts are clear: Report finds EU can deliver more jobs in a green budget
Palestine News Network | February 9, 2012Brussels/Belgium-A report has just been released highlighting the potential for green job creation in the next EU budget, 2014-20. This analysis builds on previous work by the UNEP and shows that funding of sustainable infrastructures and environmental programs can create employment at a lower cost than the current Common Agricultural and Cohesion policies. The report was commissioned by an alliance of leading environmental NGOs, and released in the European Parliament to an audience of MEPs.