EU blasted over ‘another gas mistake’ after von der Leyen signs new energy deal
Daily Express | August 17, 2022URSULA VON DER LEYEN’s gas deal with Azerbaijan has been torn apart as the EU Commission leader continues to endanger the bloc with …
The EU-Azerbaijan gas deal is a repeat mistake
Politico EU | August 17, 2022An agreement with yet another autocratic regime, it stands in defiance of the bloc’s climate goals and human rights standards.
The construction of hydropower plants in the Western Balkans will be increasingly difficult and risky | August 15, 2022Photo illustration: Unsplash (Marcus Ganahl)
Енергетична угода між Азербайджаном і ЄС надає перевагу енергетиці, ніж правам людини
Global Voices | August 12, 2022Критики кажуть, що високопосадовці ЄС проігнорували порушення прав людини в Азербайджані
Analiza: Izgradnja hidroelektrana na Balkanu biće sve teža i rizičnija
N1info - Serbia | August 11, 2022Projekte gradnje novih hidroelektrana u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana biće sve teže realizovati u budućnosti zbog kliamtskih promena, …
Armenia: NGOs reports show govt. & investors failed to prevent human rights abuses at Amulsar gold mine
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | August 8, 2022Amulsar’s costs to human rights and threats to environmental defenders, 4 August 2022
U Srbiji nepovratno uništeno više od 300 km reka
Ozonpress | August 4, 2022Iako je početkom godine Vlada Republike Srbije donela odluku da će naknada koju plaća krajnji potrošač za podsticaj povlašćenih proizvođača …
Solar Energy Project Leaves Uzbek Women in the Dark
The Diplomat | August 3, 2022Solar energy may be a great solution to the climate change problem, but local communities must benefit first.
EIB više neće finansirati projekte hidroenergije preko posrednika
Akta | August 2, 2022EIB je dala najmanje 27 kredita za hidroelektrane preko finansijskih posrednika u regiji od 2010. godine.
More Harm than Good: The Misuse of European Biodiversity Funds
Green European Journal | August 2, 2022Supported by EU funding, local municipalities are carrying out projects involving the removal of trees and the degradation of natural …