Ministerul Energiei, acuzat de organizațiile de mediu că face dezbateri false în legătură cu planul național privind energia și clima: Documentul a fost ascuns pe site | January 19, 2024Mai multe organizații de mediu, 2Celsius, Bankwatch, Declic, Greenpeace și WWF-România (Fondul Mondial pentru Natură), acuză Ministerul …
Hydropower in Albania: vanishing rivers strangle rural life
The Parliament Magazine | January 17, 2024Global climate change has had a deep impact on Albania, a neighbour of Greece, North Macedonia and Montenegro, as it has become hotter and …
Can Ukraine help green the EU’s farming sector?
The Parliament Magazine | January 16, 2024Ukraine’s accession into the European Union could offer the bloc’s farming sector an environmental lifeline – and green policy experts are …
DOCUMENT Cel mai mare proiect de extracție de gaze din Marea Neagră românească, declarat ca având ″amprentă de carbon negativă″. Pe ce se bazează eticheta climatică | January 16, 2024Neptun Deep, cel mai mare proiect de extracție de gaze naturale offshore din Marea Neagră românească, dezvoltat de OMV Petrom și Romgaz, va …
Europe’s rivers at risk due to hydropower plants, human interference
EurActiv | January 9, 2024While only around a third of the world’s rivers remain free-flowing, according to the campaign group International Rivers, the situation is …
Élargir l’empreinte mondiale
Virgule | January 6, 2024Les préoccupations climatiques, la guerre en Ukraine et les plaintes concernant le manque de transparence ne sont que quelques-uns des …
Devex Invested: As the year ends, a new boss at EIB
Devex | December 19, 2023Institutional Development …
North Macedonia Is Burning Up Its Past to the Detriment of All | December 18, 2023Keeping warm in winter has a high price in North Macedonia. The Balkan country’s historical heritage is being destroyed in order to get at …
Recycling, renewables and rubble: How environmental issues could make or break Ukraine’s EU bid
Euronews | December 17, 2023In 2020, only 4% of Ukraine’s waste was recycled – the lowest rate in Europe.
How Russia won a ‘dangerous loophole’ for fossil gas at Cop28
Climate Home | December 15, 2023With the EU ambivalent and small island states absent, Russia’s call for “transitional fuels” – read gas – made it into the Cop28 agreement …