Borba za čist vazduh u Srbiji
Radio Slobovna Evropa | January 14, 2020Aplikacija za merenje kvaliteta vazduha AirVisual u više navrata svrstala je Beograd i još nekoliko gradova u Srbiji na listu najzagađenijih na svetu, a prekomerno zagađenje u prvim danima 2020. godine beleže i merne stanice republičke Agencije za zašt
Trovanje i Kostolac
Danas | January 14, 2020Dok iz sveta stižu podaci i istraživanja koja govore da su Beograd ali i cela Srbija među nazageđenijim mestima u svetu, te da naša zemlja zauzima neslavno prvo mesto po štetnosti lošeg vazduha po zdravlje u Evropi, čelnici srpske prestonice najavljuju
EU to unveil trillion-euro ‘Green Deal’ financial plan | January 14, 2020The European Commission will propose on Tuesday (14 January) how the EU can pay for shifting the region’s economy to net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 while protecting coal-dependent regions from taking the brunt of changes aimed at fighting climate chang
Wer zahlt das EU-Klimageld?
Klimareporter | January 14, 2020Die EU-Kommission hat ein Klima-Finanzpaket vorgestellt, um besonders den europäischen Kohleregionen beim Strukturwandel zu helfen – und sie will, dass die Mitgliedsstaaten dafür mehr Geld einzahlen als bisher. Die Bundesregierung ist dagegen. Source :
China-backed coal plants on EU’s doorstep hide huge carbon costs
Climate Home News | January 14, 2020Feasibility studies for two major coal power projects in Bosnia and Serbia – backed by Chinese banks – downplay the costs of emissions and ignore air and water pollution. Source : China-backed coal plants on EU’s doorstep hide huge carbon costs
Residents of Tuzla protest over extremely high Levels of Air Pollution
Sarajevo Times | January 13, 2020Following last night’s protests in the center of Tuzla over extremely high levels of air pollution, residents announce the continuation of the protests on Wednesday. They claim to have difficulty breathing and are concerned about the rise in the number
Nový klimatický fond nevznikne na úkor eurofondov, rozpočet EÚ vyjde na 7,5 miliardy eur | January 12, 2020Novovznikajúci Mechanizmus spravodlivej transformácie bude financovať aj plynárenskú infraštruktúru, ukazuje uniknutý návrh eurokomisie. Dobrou správou pre Slovensko je, že okrem uhoľných regiónov podporí aj regióny s ťažkým priemyslom. Source : Nový k
Onesnaženi zrak nad Balkanom ogroža tudi EU
DELO | January 10, 2020Največ prezgodnjih smrti zaradi škodljivih izpustov v zrak je v Severni Makedoniji.Source : Onesnaženi zrak nad Balkanom ogroža tudi EU
Misterija odsumporavanja
Vreme | January 9, 2020Kako to da je i nakon ugrađivanja postrojenja za smanjenje sumpora u dimu iz Termoelektrane “Kostolac B”, emisija ove zagađujuće materije tokom 2018. bila višestruko veća od dozvoljene Source : Misterija odsumporavanja
Boulder’s Global Greengrants Fund helps Serbian group fight incinerator
Boulder Weekly | January 9, 2020In a world where climate change regularly makes headlines, news of environmental victories are a welcome relief. For a group of activists in Belgrade, Serbia, funded in part by Boulder-based Global Greengrants Fund, a recent win could mean cleaner air