One-fifth of EU budget earmarked for tackling climate change
Environmental Finance | June 30, 2011Environmental policy and climate change action will be “mainstreamed” into all areas of the EU budget from 2014, the European Commission announced late on Wednesday night, with climate-related expenditure making up at least 20% of EU financing.
EU finances scrap reactors
WDR | June 29, 2011
Arab activists criticise conditions attached to western aid
The Guardian | June 27, 2011As Egypt rejects IMF loan, Arab NGO network says liberalisation advocated in aid packages poses threat to economic and social justice demands made during recent uprisings
IFC Funding for Paravani HPP
civil georgia | June 23, 2011European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) will provide USD 115.5 million credit to finance construction of 87 MW Paravani hydro power plant in the south-west of Georgia.
European Bank Pumps Money Into Kazakh Oil and Gas
Transitions online | June 20, 2011The EBRD talks of sustainable development and democratization, but the lender’s policies in Kazakhstan don’t seem to match its mission statement.
Can Poland Be an Effective Champion of Brussels’ Emissions Policy?
Transitions online | June 17, 2011A Warsaw at odds with the EU will soon lead the bloc in climate-change talks.
Alarm as controversial EBRD eyes up Middle Eastern investment opportunities
The Ecologist | June 10, 2011Before rushing to finance projects in Africa and the Middle East, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) should address its environmental and social lending criteria, says Fidanka Bacheva-McGrath
Arcelor Mittal SA: Undone and dusted
Financial Mail | June 9, 2011No-one who has driven between Bloemfontein and Johannesburg could fail to have noticed the haze, stench and massive steelworks near the motorway. But Amsa is not the only polluter in the area. Sasol, Eskom power stations and, in winter, household coal fires also contribute to the horrible air quality
Vesten sender bankerne ind | June 6, 2011Den Europæiske Udviklingsbank vil nu overføre erfaringerne fra Østeuropa med at bruge donorbistand til at hjælpe demokrati på vej til Nordafrika. Men kritikere påpeger, at det ikke er specielt åbenlyst, at bankernes indrykning i overgangssamfund indtil nu har ført til mere demokrati
Egypten får IMF-lån på milde betingelser | June 6, 2011Et lån fra Den Internationale Valutafond på tre mia. dollar uden skrappe krav skal genstarte den egyptiske økonomi, siger landets finansminister