Ministarsko vijeće zvanično potvrdilo: Garancija za Blok 7 nezakonita
December 1, 2021
Državna garancija za kredit kineske Eximbanke za izgradnju novog Bloka 7 TE Tuzla je nezakonita prema Ugovoru o Energetskoj zajednici, …
POTVRĐENO: Nezakonita garancija za kredit za blok 7 termoelektrane Tuzla
December 1, 2021
Ukoliko se realizuje, projekat bi spriječio Bosnu i Hercegovinu da ispuni obaveze dekarbonizacije svoje ekonomije u narednim decenijama.
Loan guarantee for Bosnia’s Tuzla 7 coal plant confirmed as illegal
December 1, 2021
Energo – CEE/FSU Power
Сега е времето България да инвестира в малки ВЕИ вместо в големи газови проекти
November 30, 2021
Големите газови проекти не са решение за реализиране на Зеления преход, и не може да се използва за преходно гориво, както искат да ни …
Loan guarantee for Bosnia’s Tuzla 7 coal plant confirmed as illegal
November 30, 2021
A public loan guarantee for the planned Tuzla 7 coal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina is illegal under the Energy Community Treaty, the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community has confirmed today (Tuesday). If realized, the project would aggravate Tuzla’s air pollution and prevent Bosnia and Herzegovina decarbonising its economy for decades to come.
Екозащитници: България инвестира в руска газова зависимост, вместо в свои ВЕИ
November 30, 2021
Европейската комисия трябва да спре да субсидира газови проекти, тъй като синьото гориво не може да е преходно за постигане на климатична …
Pole als neuer Direktor der Energiegemeinschaft sorgt für Kritik
November 26, 2021
Dem Slowenen Janez Kopač folgt der Pole Artur Lorkowski als Direktor der Energiegemeinschaft für den Westbalkan nach. Manche sehen darin …
Heated households based on heat pump technology claim it is a smart, clean and comfortable investment
November 24, 2021
When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, everyone knows we need more electricity from wind and solar. But despite their massive potential to help cut emissions and curb air pollution, heat pumps have not received the same attention.
Egypt pulls EBRD oil refinery project amid shareholder concerns
November 23, 2021
Egypt withdrew a $250 million loan request to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for an oil refinery modernization Monday …
Fact sheet on energy efficiency investment programmes in Romania
November 23, 2021
A successful transition to a decarbonised economy is carried out by prioritising investments in energy efficiency, one of the main pillars of the European Green Deal. Romania has committed to reduce its final energy consumption by 40.4 per cent and its