Poor planning by the European Investment Bank puts at risk one of the largest wind energy projects in the Western Balkans
June 19, 2024
Following concerns from local people, the Aarhus Centre in Sarajevo and CEE Bankwatch Network have started legal actions on the lack of environmental impact assessment and appropriate assessment for the 132 MW Poklečani wind project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Hasty decisions by the Federation of BiH authorities and European Investment Bank might end up delaying the project for years.
Joint civil society comments on the EBRD biodiversity standards (ESR 6)
May 29, 2024
Ahead of the EBRD’s Annual Meeting, 12 civil society organisations submitted their collective input on the revised draft of the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy, focusing on standards related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources.
From drainage to restoration: A new chapter for Estonia’s wetlands
May 28, 2024
In Estonia, drained peatlands are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and thus exacerbate climate change. Our case study highlights the success of a project aimed at restoring the water regime of a mire ecosystem, leading to a remarkable growth in vegetation and the recovery of multiple species.
Destroying while rebuilding: Flawed hydro project set for Polish just transition region needs a rethink
May 7, 2024
Eastern Wielkopolska, one of Poland’s just transition regions, urgently needs to repair the damage caused by decades of lignite mining. One controversial hydrological project slated for the region aims to flood open pits and stabilise water levels. But while these measures appear to be positive steps towards making amends, the environmental impacts of the project have not been assessed, which is likely to result in a number of unintended and damaging consequences.
Court annuls environmental permit for Drina hydropower project
May 2, 2024
Photo: fotos1992 from Pixabay
Bern Convention: Skavica dam in Albania contradicts the Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme
April 24, 2024
The Bureau of the Convention recently accepted a new complaint and urged the Albanian authorities to not develop projects which may negatively affect habitats and species.
Clearcutting chaos: A bumpy ride for Estonia’s conservation areas
April 15, 2024
Rail Baltica, the ambitious railway project set to connect the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania as part of Europe’s modern rail network, promises to boost regional development and integration. However, despite assurances of habitat protection and compensation measures during the construction of Rail Baltica, recent revelations on clearcutting in protected areas have exposed longstanding issues with Estonian forests. The case also highlights the broader challenges faced by nature when economic development takes precedence and the need for proper environmental safeguards against economic interests.
The Corridor Vc motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A decisive test for EU standards
April 5, 2024
Based on a March 2024 site visit, this report examines two planned sections of the motorway– from Mostar South to the Kvanj Tunnel and from Konjic to Mostar, through the iconic Prenj mountain. It presents updated findings and underlines that it is crucial for the European Commission, EIB and EBRD to ensure that the route south of Mostar and via Prenj is re-examined and publicly consulted if they want to avoid many more years of delay.
Led by nature: Projects to protect and restore biodiversity in Europe
March 22, 2024
These case studies from several European Member States demonstrate some of the many ways EU funds can and should be used to support nature restoration and conservation projects, which are instrumental to addressing the biodiversity crisis across sectors while also building a greener, fairer future.
Beyond profit: How to reshape the European Green Deal for people’s well-being
March 12, 2024
This searing report by the Citizens’ Observatory on Green Deal Financing analyses key EU funding mechanisms and exposes significant shortcomings in strategic priorities and implementation.