CEE Bankwatch Network position on the AIIB’s Energy Sector
April 13, 2023
CEE Bankwatch expresses its deep disappointment in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) call for public consultation on its Energy Sector Strategy Update.
What is wrong with EXIM’s plan to pay for Westinghouse reactors in Ukraine?
March 27, 2023
This briefing argues that US public funding should support a modern distributed energy system based on renewable energy and improved efficiency of Ukraine’s energy use.
The unexplained backtracking of the EBRD and Tbilisi City Hall: why did they keep the contract with a Russian company?
March 13, 2023
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing funding to Tbilisi City Hall to purchase metro cars for the Georgian capital’s metro system from a Russian company, Metrowagonmash. The company is part of Transmashholding, whose shareholders – Russian oligarchs Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev – are closely linked with the Kremlin and its defence industry. Metrowagonmash’s sister company is also reportedly providing engines for Russian warships.
EBRD funds channelled to Kremlin affiliates: Why the purchase of Tbilisi metro cars from a Russian company should not proceed as planned
March 13, 2023
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is providing funding to Tbilisi City Hall to purchase metro cars for the Georgian capital’s metro system from Russian company Metrowagonmash. But Metrowagonmash is not just any Russian company.
Waste management in Uzbekistan: the high risks that the EBRD refuses to see
February 20, 2023
People living in the settlements adjacent to landfills slated for expansion under an EBRD waste management project were not adequately consulted.
Open letter to the European Commission: environmental reforms and civil society engagement are key for Ukraine’s reconstruction and European accession
February 3, 2023
On 1 February, representatives of Ukrainian and international civil society organisations sent an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission. In the letter, they call on the European Union to support civil society engagement and the incorporation of green principles into Ukraine’s reconstruction process, which will go hand in hand with the country’s EU accession.
EBRD investments in Ukrainian agro-giant MHP under investigation
February 2, 2023
After years of community complaints about the environmental and social damage caused by Ukrainian agro-giant Myronivsky Hliboprodukt (MHP), independent investigators are now looking into the role of international public finance in contributing to those harms. Considering the current food crisis, Ukraine’s important role in the global food supply chain and the prospect of more international investments to prop up Ukraine’s economy, it is time for financiers to learn the lessons of their past mistakes.
Checking in on Waste Management Projects in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
December 27, 2022
The EBRD is facilitating the introduction of green technologies, waste recovery and recycling systems in both countries, but more …
Is Samarkand ready to become a Green City?
December 26, 2022
This briefing reviews Samarkand’s existing urban development plans, the main environmental and social concerns of residents with a focus on public transport, and provides recommendations on including civil society in the GCAP planning.
Ako pomôcť s obnovou ukrajinského poľnohospodárstva: Poučenie pre banky
December 20, 2022
Prípad agrogiganta, ktorý za peniaze od medzinárodných investorov rozširuje svoju výrobu na ukrajinskom vidieku, ukazuje, prečo musia …