How ADB’s pandemic aid to Uzbekistan was misused, whistleblower silenced
January 19, 2022
The Uzbek blogger who first raised these concerns was smeared, beaten, and now faces trial.
Руководство по «Зеленым городам» от Bankwatch
January 18, 2022
Bankwatch совместно с Екодией и «Зеленое спасение» разработали руководство по Зеленым городам ЕБРР.Европейский банк реконструкции и …
Miért késik a budapesti repülőtér fejlesztése?
January 14, 2022
Az Európai Beruházási Bank elfüggesztette a ferihegyi reptér bővítésére kínált hitele folyósítását, mivel azt tapasztalta, hogy a budapesti …
Elakadt a Budapest Airport hitele
January 14, 2022
Felülvizsgálja az Európai Beruházási Bank a már korábban odaítélt kétszázmillió eurós hitelének a további folyósítását, amelyet a Budapest …
What you need to know about the Green City Action Plan but your municipality won’t tell you
January 13, 2022
A step-by-step guide on what the Green City Action Plan is, why citizen participation is important for improving the future of cities, and how residents can participate.
EIB halts loan for Budapest Airport expansion over breach of EU environmental law
January 11, 2022
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has halted the payment of a EUR 200 million loan to expand the Budapest Airport in Hungary because the authorities haven’t analyzed how the investment could contribute to air pollution, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. According to CEE Bankwatch Network, the case represents a violation of EIB’s policy and EU environmental law.
Az Európai Beruházási Bank befagyasztja a Budapest Airport bővítésének hitelfolyósítását
January 10, 2022
Nem készült környezetvédelmi hatástanulmány és a környék lakóit sem kérdezték meg.
EU bank freezes funding for major Budapest Airport expansion over sweeping violations of environmental norms
January 10, 2022
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has suspended the disbursement of a EUR 200 million loan intended to facilitate a dramatic increase in passenger turnover at Hungary’s main international airport following an investigation by the Bank’s Complaints Mechanism that found that no analysis had been done to assess the air pollution, noise pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that the development would generate, in breach of the Bank’s own policy as well as EU environmental law.
Dugo putovanje Dandija kroz Srbiju: Od rivala Rio Tinta do zlata sa Homolja
January 10, 2022
Zbog rudnog bogatstva istok Srbije predstavlja jedno od najvažnijih područja za rudarenje, a za njegovo rudno blago zainteresovane su i …
Serbia ra quyết định, châu Âu tiếp tục lụn bại trong cuộc đua kho báu xám với Trung Quốc
January 8, 2022
Trung Quốc hiện đang dẫn đầu trong cuộc đua kho báu xám này, thứ được xem như nắm giữ vận mệnh của xe điện.