Aqueduct in Italy breaches EU laws and endangers biodiversity
November 24, 2023
In times of pressing climate and biodiversity crisis, the Lazio region and the Italian government are supporting a controversial project to double the Peschiera–Le Capore aqueduct, breaching several EU Directives, and not taking into account people who live in the area and their needs. Moreover, the project, partially supported by EU funds, could potentially endanger six Natura 2000 sites and already exploited local water resources.
Manifesto on the future of EU public finances: our priorities for delivering a just and ecological transformation
November 24, 2023
This manifesto presents priorities for delivering a just and ecological transformation, prepared by the coalition Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing.
Amidst the climate crisis, European Commission green-lights new fossil gas projects in Poland and Croatia
November 22, 2023
Poland and Croatia are set to receive EUR 1.2 billion in EU recovery funds to expand liquefied gas (LNG) terminals and build new pipelines.
Social Climate Fund – unlocking the potential for a socially just transition
November 21, 2023
This briefing summarises the most important aspects of the regulation that establishes the Social Climate Fund.
A Latvian forest the size of 237 football pitches cut down for an industrial park
November 17, 2023
A pristine biodiverse forest in eastern Latvia is being cleared to make way for an industrial park. Even though the project has yet to be approved, half the forest has already been logged to make way for the development. Not only that, the public consultation and social and environmental assessment have been inadequate. The project promoters now expect getting the green light.
Just transition case study: Żyrardów – regeneration and a city reinvented
November 3, 2023
This case study presents the revitalisation process of Żyrardów, a city in Poland.
Repower communities – not fossil fuels. Analysis of the revised national recovery and resilience plans of 15 Member States
October 11, 2023
The aim of this briefing is to provide an overview of all the revised and submitted national recovery and resilience plans, which include additional reforms and investments.
Webinar – The Foundational Economy: Putting liveability at the heart of EU public finance
October 3, 2023
Trickle down economics has failed. Supply-side measures seeking to maintain economic growth in the hope that the benefits reach the public cannot be relied upon to guarantee a dignified life for everybody in Europe.
Planning for social justice in Territorial Just Transition Plans in central and eastern Europe. September 2023 update – part II
September 28, 2023
This briefing’s main objective is to provide an analysis of how the Territorial Just Transition Plans for seven countries (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) approach social issues related to the impacts of the transition on women, youth and various other vulnerable groups.
Thousands demand European development bank stops financing fossil fuels
September 27, 2023
Over 6200 emails have been sent to the European Bank for Reconstruction Development (EBRD) calling for its next energy policy to end financing for fossil fuels and step up investments in the energy transition.