October 26, 2020
Izabela Zygmunt, aktywistka CEE Bankwatch Network: W polskich domach w trzy lata zainstalowano fotowoltaikę o mocy dwóch gigawatów. To nieprawda, że energetyczna przyszłość Polski spoczywa w rękach państwowych kolosów.
Concern over Czechia’s alleged plans for EU transition funds
October 22, 2020
Prague’s share of a multi-billion euro ‘just transition fund’ (JTF) to mitigate social upheaval as coal-dependent regions move to cleaner forms of energy could end up in the hands of business magnates and energy firms, CEE Bankwatch Network has warned following Czech media reports.
Leaked document: Czechia plans to spend EU just transition money on gas and subsidising corporations
October 22, 2020
The Czech government is planning to use money from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) to finance the transition of coal units to gas and subsidise large energy companies owned by the state or Czech billionaires, according to a 40-page document authored by the Czech Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Environment, which was just leaked to Czech media.
Status of the Territorial Just Transition Plans in central and eastern Europe
October 14, 2020
EU countries are required to produce Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) in order to access the Just Transition Fund (JTF). This briefing reviews the progress made by Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia on TJTPs as of October 2020. It includes a review of the consultant selection processes, national government awareness of the drafting and local stakeholder engagement in the regions affected by coal phase-out.
Dlaczego brakuje wody w Wielkopolsce?
October 13, 2020
Source: Dlaczego brakuje wody w Wielkopolsce?
Any increase in renewable energy targets must exclude environmentally destructive projects
September 29, 2020
Raising renewable energy targets alone will not be enough to reduce GHG emissions in a sustainable manner. The Commission must also match this with tighter criteria for hydropower and biomass projects.
A checklist to ensure getting Territorial Plans for coal regions right
July 23, 2020
Relying on experience with supporting the transition of coal regions in seven countries across central and eastern Europe, CEE Bankwatch Network launches today a checklist meant to help experts, national authorities and local communities get Territorial Plans right.
July 23, 2020
How to make TJTPs climate and people driven
EU budget breakthrough achievable with higher climate ambition, say campaigners
June 19, 2020
Brussels – Emphasising green spending in the next one trillion plus euros EU budget is the surest way to reach an agreement on the deal while leading the bloc to a more resilient recovery from the pandemic, say campaigners at CEE Bankwatch Network ahead of today’s European Council.
The missing link: Green recovery and energy transition in Hungary and CEE
June 15, 2020
To achieve a green recovery with EU funds, what depends on CEE Member States and what depends on the EU?